Villian×Hero Pt 2

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Nick's Pov:

"...suprise!?" He said unsure as he stepped in and closed the door.

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD?" I screamed, and he flinched, I then noticed how many bruises, cuts, and scratches covered his arms. "What happened?" I asked as I rushed to check his pulse and other things that yknow... KEPT HIM ALIVE.

"I wasn't lying when I said my parents kicked me out." He said nonchalantly. HOW COULD HE BE SO CALM!?

"NOPE! THATS IT, IM TAKING CARE OF YOU." I said as I pulled him into the bathroom. I started pulling out some antiseptic wipes to clean his arms and legs when he stopped me.

"No.. I'm fine." He attempted a smile, but it wasn't as bright as usual. Fake.

"No, you're not. And I'm not going to let you pretend you are. I'm going to help you, no matter what it takes. Now. Give me your arm." I said and then started cleaning up his arm.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" He asked quietly after a few minutes of silence.

"Because you're human too?" I said "or are you not? Am I wasting band aids when you could just heal yourself?"

"No.. if I could heal myself I would have done so a long time ago." He said as he looked at his leg, which I happened to be bandaging at the moment.

"You talk like you have a big ego when your Ano, but your not when your Charlie.." I spoke quietly to match his voice, keeping my eyes on his leg as to not make him uncomfortable.

"Yeah Ano Is just everything I'd wish I could be. That's why I don't show my face like you do, Ano is Ano. Charlie is Charlie. They don't mix, they arnt the same person." He spoke with certainty as if he'd been waiting to say it all his life.

"Where'd the name Ano come from?" I asked trying to keep him talking, he seemed really interesting.

"I have Anorexia, or an... eating disorder." He said and I could see the tears forming in his eyes "i- I thought that Ano, since they are a complete opposite of me.. would have brought attention to the fact that he was struggling, but in the casual I'm over it sort of way." He laughed slightly while wiping his nose on his sleeve.

"Well I'll tell you Charlie Spring, you are just as brave, smart, and talented as Ano. You just don't see it yet." He sniffed and I compressed the feeling to hug him. "You can stay here as long as you want or need." I spoke quickly before getting off of the bathroom floor and speed walking towards my bedroom. "You can have the extra room" I pointed down the hall and then went into my room, just to pace. WHY DID I WANT TO HUG HIM, AND KISS HIM, AND- AND-

Charlie's Pov:

I'm Ano? No, no, no. Ano is not me. Ano is smarter, funnier, prettier. Ano is confusing. Ano isn't a girl or a boy. Ano isn't me. Ano isn't...anybody. Ano is the person you think is there on the walk home alone. Ano is the shadow that follows you in the light. Ano is your mind, your life. Ano is more than a villain, Ano is a friend. But also a foe. Ano is me. No, Ano is... I don't know. Ano confuses me. But not as much as my feelings, I'm gay. I know that, but for Nick? Ah God! Nick is too damn nice, he just welcomed a complete stranger in his house. He probably doesn't even want me here. I'm pacing, legs moving up and down.

"Charlie! Want any dinner?" Nick called from the kitchen.

"No, I'm good! I ate already." I yelled back.

"Alright! Don't be afraid to come check out any snacks though." He said, right outside my door. I opened the door and there he was, standing gorgeous as ever.

"Hey." I said breathless.

"Hi... you sure you ate? I don't want to pressure you but I really don't want a guest to starve.. I hope I'm not pushing boundaries." He said and I smiled.

"Yeah, I'm sure I ate, but thanks anyways. And no, you're not pushing boundaries, my parents basically forced me to eat and when I didn't they'd..." I pointed to the bruises and he nodded solemnly "yeah, so you're not doing anything wrong... trust me."

"Yeah okay, um... goodnight." He tapped his fingers on the door frame then shut the door and left.

Nicks Pov:

'Trust me'

Yassss the next part lol, can't wait for pt 3! AHHHH!

Words: 780

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