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Nick's Pov:

I think I'm a good boyfriend. But, Charlie keeps doubting his own boyfriend acts. How could he? He's wonderful and amazing and just... my soulmate. So, why does he think he's not being good enough to me? The voice is his brain. It likes to squeeze the good thoughts out. Charlie has told me that Geoff says,'It's okay to have bad thoughts sometimes, as long as they don't take over and distract you from doing things that you love.' And that's the problem, Charlie's thoughts ARE distracting him. It's sad, I would love to wipe away his tears and make the thoughts go away. But you can't physically steal them from his brain, so I'm left just on the sidelines, trying to help him. One Wednesday, Charlie had been feeling worse than usual he wouldn't even talk to me in form. I was beyond upset for him. How could he think he wasn't good enough? Charlie was amazing, and I was going to let him know.

Charlie's Pov:

After school, I was slowly walking home. Ignoring the buzzing that sounded from my phone, I kept walking. That is, until I was about halfway to my house, I couldn't stand the buzzing anymore and decided to check it. I realized it was from Nick.

Nick<3 : Hey, babe.

Nick<3 : Babe

Nick<3 : Babyyyy

Nick<3 : Come to my house, pleaseeeee

I chuckled, Nick was such a big baby. I turned around after messaging my mum that I was going to Nick's, and started walking in the direction of his house. When I got there, I rang the doorbell, but nobody answered. I decided to just go in since Nick did technically invite me over. I made my way up the stairs and heard some shuffling.

"Nick?" I asked and got no response. I opened his door and saw Nellie on the bed, and a piece of paper sat next to her. "Hey, Nellie." I said, rubbing her fur while taking a look at the paper.

Reasons I love you:

You're you.
You're beautiful
You're so so smart
You're amazing
I just do.
You smell like vanilla and taste like butter cream (yes, I do listen to your music)
You play the drums (hot drummer boys am I right?)
You never force anyone to do anything
You're sweet
You loved me even when I was 'straight'
You loved me when the only thing I talked about was Avengers.
Your smile
Your face.
Your body (you might not live it, but I do!)
Your amazing running skills
The fact that you are smaller than me.
Your fingers and the way you paint your nails
Your musical ability
Your acceptance of us being a secret at first.
Your smile.
Your confidence when your drunk or when we are alone
Your smile
Did I mention your smile?
Your stupid flip flops that you insist on wearing in the summer
Your curly hair
Your dimples
Your arms
Your legs
Your body
Your bracelets that you got from Tao in year 5 that you still wear to this day
The way that you laugh
Your style
Your personality
Your sarcasm
Your obliviousness (it's okay I have it as well)
Your wall that you fill up with music, posters, or things you like
Your ass (whoops didn't mean to write that... well it's in pen guess I'll just have to leave it 🤷‍♀️)
Your eyes
Your nose
Your ears
Your unhealthy obsession with Taylor Swift and Melanie Martinez
Your smile (,I'll never stop saying it)
The way that you tried to learn French so that you knew what I was saying
The fact that you already knew Greek and Spanish and didn't tell me

Yours truly,
Ur bf. Nick <3

I love him so much

Let's not talk about how long it took me to write all of that oki? Oki! Also this has so many words... like I talk a lot. Anyways I hope yall like this, cause it took me all day (I usually don't write in the morning and I had to for this one) okay lol now that I'm done blabbering, I hope yall loved this as much as I did!

Words: 703

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