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These are written like Diary entry's until the sleepover :)

TW: mentions of Ben and what he did to Charlie, mentions of SH

Taos Pov:

Why did Nick suddenly decide he could take MY friend? He's all of a sudden nice? No way. He's playing Charlie. And Charlie is just too stubborn to admit it. I otto know why Issac or Aled hasn't said anything, but they DEFINITELY are on my side, I'm their friend, not Nick. Anyways, I hope Charlie stops pining over that jerk.

Today Charlie ate lunch with Nick. Wtf? I would have even been fine with him just... bringing Nick along but no. He separately ate with him. Issac says their "in their honeymoon phase" but their not even dating! I'm so done with it, I'm going to invite Charlie to a sleepover with Elle, Aled, and Issac. We need to show him that Nick isn't his ACTUAL friend.

Elle agreed to have a sleepover but she says we can't hurt Charlie's feelings, it's not like he hasn't hurt ours. AND PLUS IF HE STAYS FRIENDS WITH NICK HE'LL BE EVEN MORE HURT LATER ON.

"Can Nick come?" I had asked Charlie if he wanted to have a sleepover and he asked me that. I decided to agree, because Aled forced me too. Aled said that this gives me  chance to see if he's actually mean to Charlie, so I took it.

"Hi!" Charlie said, excited as he and Nick walked in. Charlie gave me a hug and Nick just have me a nod, it was better that way. They waited upstairs and I stayed down, waiting for Elle, Issac, and Aled to make it here. I smiled as I saw Elles curly hair through the window. I opened the door and there she was standing, beautiful as ever. But I could never tell her I had a crush on her. She'd never like me back.

Charlie's Pov:

I know Tao only let me bring Nick so that he could tell if he was a douche or not, Elle told me and then I told Nick, so that he's on his best behavior tonight. But Tao can't control my life, I can hang out with who I want. Tao's making me slightly mad recently, he's been ignoring my calls, acting as though his phone is dead. Just because I'm hanging with Nick. What's worse, Tao doesn't know Nick and I are dating, if he did he'd go ballistic, let's hope he doesn't find out.

Tao, Elle, Issac, and Aled, make their way upstairs. I smile as they come into the room.

"Sorry bout that, my mum has left for a business trip apparently, so now we have the house and wine, to ourselves." Tao speaks and then starts dancing, earning a laugh from Elle.

"Alright, what are we gonna do first?" I ask as they all sit down, completing the circle Nick and I had already started.

"We could... drink???" Tao asked in a suspicious tone, he was up to something.

"Well, I have to drive to the beach with my mum tomarrow so I can't have a hangover, so I'll just stay out" Nick said and I smiled, he had no where to be tomarrow. He was playing up the nice guy card.

Tao seemed upset by his words. "You sure? I won't stop you"

"Nah, mate I'm good, but thanks." Nick said and I nodded to Tao.

"I'll have some." I say and Tao seems surprised.

"You, Charlie Spring, are going to have alcohol..." He asked suspicious, as if I was up to something.

"Yeah, ill try it."


Like 2 hours later

Nicks Pov:

"Hii" Charlie kept getting closer and closer to me, now basically sitting on my lap. I glanced over at Tao, but he was talking to Elle, probably flirting. "Y'know.. you are very beautiful." Charlie says and I blush, God he's adorable. "I wish I could keep you forever." He whispers and I felt a chill running down my spine, maybe drunk Charlie was... hot? I don't even know what words to use to describe him right now.

"You can keep me forever, love." I say and he smiles.

"No, not with Tao around, he'd kill you if he even knew we were dating." He's still whispering, obviously trying to keep from Tao hearing, it didn't work.


Elle tried to calm him down "Tao, it's fine. They've been dating for a while, Nick is a nice guy."

Tao didn't stop, he didn't calm down. He was still yelling when Charlie stood up.

"TAO STOP!" He yelled and it went quiet, Charlie never yelled. "I love Nick, and im sorry if you can't believe that, but I do. You should know what that feels like, to love someone. So just... stop." Charlie seemed worn out but he still stood there in front of Tao.

"I just want what's best for you, Charlie." Tao seemed upset now too, but in a different way, a betrayed sort of way.

(Mention of Ben and what he did to Charlie, mention of SH)

"What's best for me? Nick saved me. Both metophorically and physically, he saved me from Ben, the guy who tried to rape me and then wouldn't listen when I said stop, he saved me when I felt like I wasn't worth anything, he saved me from killing myself! And you want me to stop being friends with him? No way!"

Tao was stunned, he didn't know what Ben had done to Charlie, he looked mortified. "IM GOING TO KILL BEN!" He yelled and I stopped him

"Already did that. Anyways.."

"I'm sorry, Nick. I shouldn't have assumed... anything." Tao said, ashamed and I just nodded.

"Yeah, its cool mate. Am I allowed to date your friend now?" He laughed, score for me.

"Yeah, as long as Charlie's happy."

"Thanks, Tao." Charlie smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, just no kissing in my house, you love birds" We laughed.

Words: 1000

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