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Puerto Rico. 

A five-year-old girl is playing in the waves with her Barbie. While talking with Tommaso, Lorenzo glanced at his daughter and shouted vehemently, "Beatrice! Don't go too far from the shore!" Beatrice replied with a smile, "Okay, daddy!"

Lorenzo and Tommaso continued their conversation, discussing the massive success of the third season of Blue Romance and how to develop the fourth season. Meanwhile, Elisa, Tommaso's wife, sat under the umbrella, breastfeeding Filippo. Lavinia, on the other hand, lay next to Elisa, enjoying a moment of calm and relaxation.After finishing the conversation with Tommaso, Lorenzo approached Lavinia. He handed her a poem, telling her that he had found it in Santa Marinella before their trip to the Caribbean. The poem had been written in a hotel in Zurich while he was working for Wasteels. He had written it thinking of her. Lorenzo whispered with a mischievous smile, "You know, I have to confess something to you. When we met at that party, I fell in love with you at first sight."Lavinia read the poem with a mix of happiness and emotion.

"Last stop ZurichIAs the trainDevoursThe twilightThe still radiant moonIlluminatesThe snow-capped Swiss peaks.Last stop ZurichIIWalkingNear the stationI pause to watchThe slowFlowingOf the riverAnd a funicularPerfectly wedgedBetween the characteristic and colorfulBuildingsContinuing alongThe sunny and crowdedAvenueThe majesty appearsOn the horizonOf the lake dense with swans and kingfishersIn flightSitting on a dockI listenTo the distant and sweet soundOf your dark and curly hairOf your honeyed faceOf your snowy and voluptuous body"

When she finished reading, tears streaked down her cheeks. With an intense and sincere tone, she confessed, "I fell in love with you at first sight too, Mr. Lorenzo Marino."Lorenzo and Lavinia kissed intensely, then Lorenzo returned to the seashore. Beatrice was still there, playing with her Barbie.

Looking at the waves, Lorenzo thought about Lavinia, who was miraculously alive. He thought about his fellow patients he had met at the hospital: Edoardo and Sara, who unfortunately remained in wheelchairs; Martina, who, in another dark moment of her life, took her own life by jumping out of a window; Noemi, who relied on science and hoped to walk again one day. He also thought about himself. Since leaving the hospital, although life had given him so much, he still felt like a survivor.

He then approached his daughter and lifted her up in his arms. Beatrice showered him with kisses, while Lavinia watched them with a smile.

Lorenzo and Lavinia exchanged an intense and passionate kiss. Then Lorenzo returned to the seashore, where he found his daughter Beatrice still playing happily with her beloved Barbie. As he watched the waves, Lorenzo couldn't help but think of Lavinia, who had miraculously survived. He reflected on all the fellow patients he had known during his long hospital stay: 

Edoardo and Sara, who unfortunately remained in wheelchairs, Martina, who had decided to end her life by jumping out of a window in a moment of extreme suffering, and Noemi, who still held hope of walking again thanks to science. Finally, thinking about himself, Lorenzo realized that even after all these years, he still felt like a survivor. He was grateful for all the things he had had the opportunity to experience, but at the same time, he couldn't forget everything he had gone through. Lost in his thoughts, Lorenzo approached Beatrice and gently picked her up. The little girl welcomed him with sweet kisses and smiles, while Lavinia observed her warrior, who had overcome many adversities and was now ready to live life to the fullest.

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