Chapter 3

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Lorenzo was present in the room when Maria's breathing started to become more labored. A few moments later, the heart monitor began to sound a sharp alarm. Lorenzo immediately called the nurses and held Maria's hand. "Please, don't give up," he said with a heartfelt voice.The decision to transfer her to the intensive care unit was made hastily, and Lorenzo found himself with a tumultuous heart.In the late morning, he was surprised by his coworkers who came to visit him in the hospital. They sat around his bed and started reminiscing about their trips together, sharing anecdotes and joking, trying to make him smile. "Do you remember when we went to Zurich and had that delicious fondue bourguignonne?" Roberto, one of Lorenzo's colleagues, asked. "And that time in Basel when we got lost and had to ask the police for help?" Luca added, laughing.Lorenzo smiled, but then the smile faded from his face. "I miss those times so much," he said with a sigh. "I miss my job, I miss traveling, I miss my life before this accident."Later that evening, Lorenzo and Sara attended a classical music concert in the hall of Policlinico Gemelli. The hall was spacious, with marble walls and high ceilings adorned with frescoes. There were rows of red velvet seats and a large stage where the orchestra performed. Lorenzo was enchanted by the beauty of the hall and felt momentarily distant from his current situation.The orchestra began to play, and Lorenzo surrendered himself to the music, momentarily forgetting about Maria's critical condition, his wheelchair, and the pain that accompanied him. The sound of violins, flutes, and pianos filled the hall, creating a magical and captivating atmosphere. Lorenzo and Sara sat, listening to every note, immersed in a world of harmony and beauty.The next day, Lorenzo and Sara had breakfast at the café in the hospital and then walked to the library of Gemelli. Lorenzo decided to buy "The Spiral Staircase and Other Poems" by William Butler Yeats, while Sara opted for the novel "My Brilliant Friend" by Elena Ferrante. They then left the hospital and spent some time chatting, sharing thoughts and emotions.Sara noticed that Lorenzo seemed a bit worried and asked him what was happening."Well, you know, Sara, I still have that concert in the hall of Gemelli on my mind. I remember that on that day, Maria was taken to the intensive care unit, and I tried not to think about it too much to not ruin the evening, but the truth is that it bothered me a lot."Sara looked at him affectionately and took his hand."I understand how you feel, Lorenzo, but there's nothing you can do for Maria at the moment. We just have to wait and hope that she recovers soon. In the meantime, we can only try to distract ourselves a bit and do things we enjoy. Like reading the book you bought or going for a walk together."Lorenzo smiled slightly, feeling a little better."You're right, Sara. And now, how about enjoying some sunshine?"Sara nodded with a smile. Although there was some worry in the air, for a moment, they felt light and free, as if nothing else mattered.Back in their rooms, Lorenzo spent time talking to his new roommates, trying to get to know their stories better and understand how they were doing. The twenty-year-old boy was named Marco and had been admitted after a bike race accident. He had suffered a severe head injury, and doctors were concerned about the potential consequences on his brain functions. The nineteen-year-old girl, Federica, had been struck by a brain aneurysm. She had been urgently brought to the hospital for a brain surgery, which was successful, but she was still in a recovery phase. Lastly, there was Giorgio, a thirty-year-old man who had suffered a stroke. Giorgio was doing better compared to the other two, but he was still undergoing treatment to fully recover from his condition.Lorenzo worried about all three roommates, but particularly for Marco and Federica. He wished he could do something to help improve their conditions, but he knew that at that moment, their recovery depended solely on medical care and time.After lunch, Lorenzo decided to rest for a while and read the book of poems he had bought at the Gemelli library. Around 4 p.m., Sara and Lorenzo went out to get some fresh air.Lorenzo told Sara how reading had allowed him to escape from the reality of illness and pain during his hospitalization. Sara, in turn, told him how she had discovered writing as a way to express her emotions and experiences.Their walks were like a balm for the soul, a moment of respite from the harsh reality of the hospital.At the end of the walk, they returned to their respective rooms, knowing that the next day would be intense and full of commitments.


The next morning, after physiotherapy, Lorenzo entered Sara's room. Sara's room was spacious and bright, with large windows overlooking the hospital garden. There were five patients hospitalized together with Sara.The first was an elderly gentleman named Carlo, who had suffered a stroke and had difficulty speaking. He often sat near the window, looking outside with a lost gaze.The second was a young girl named Giulia, who had been in a serious car accident. Her face was covered in bruises and scars, and she moved with difficulty.The third was a twenty-year-old boy named Matteo, who had suffered a spinal cord injury from falling off the roof of his house. He was confined to a wheelchair and had difficulty using his hands.The fourth patient was an elderly lady named Valeria, who had suffered a stroke and had lost the use of half of her body. She needed constant assistance.The last patient was an eight-year-old girl named Alice, who had suffered a severe head injury in a domestic accident. She sat on her bed, surrounded by toys and children's books, but seemed sad and lost in her thoughts.Lorenzo wheeled himself close to Sara's bed and began to talk to her. Curiously, he asked Sara what her profession was before her hospitalization."Oh, I used to work as a veterinarian," Sara replied with a nostalgic smile."A veterinarian? How wonderful!" exclaimed Lorenzo. "What made you choose that career?""I've loved animals since I was little," Sara explained. "I always dreamed of taking care of their health and well-being.""A very rewarding but demanding job," commented Lorenzo."Yes, exactly!" replied Sara enthusiastically. "It was gratifying to see animals heal thanks to my care and to see the happiness of their owners.""Can I ask you another question?" Lorenzo asked, looking at Sara with curiosity."Of course, go ahead," Sara replied."Why are you in a wheelchair?" Lorenzo asked, trying not to be too intrusive."Oh, no problem. I had an accident while jogging several years ago," Sara replied with a sad smile. "I suffered a spinal cord injury that left me confined to a wheelchair.""I'm so sorry," Lorenzo said, expressing his sympathy."Thank you, but I've gotten used to it. In fact, I've learned to see the world from a different perspective, to appreciate things in a different way," Sara said, trying to show positivity."It's a beautiful way to approach difficulties," Lorenzo replied admiringly. "I admire your strength.""You're strong too, you know," Sara said, smiling.Lorenzo blushed slightly, smiling shyly. "Thank you, but I still have a lot to do to fully recover."Sara nodded understandingly. "Yes, rehabilitation is a long and challenging journey, but I know you can do it."The next day, while Lorenzo was in his room, he received an unexpected call from his friend Lavinia, whom he hadn't seen in a while. After catching up on his current situation, Lavinia told him that she would visit him at the hospital.Lorenzo arranged to meet her in the lobby of Gemelli. When Lavinia arrived and saw him in a wheelchair, she was taken aback and ran to embrace him. They decided to have an aperitif at the hospital's bar and talked for a long time, laughing and joking like old times.As the evening approached and they were about to say goodbye, Lavinia approached Lorenzo, kissed him on the mouth, and said, "Do everything you can to reclaim the life you had before. I know it's difficult, but you are strong, and you'll make it. I'll visit you again soon."Touched by her words, Lorenzo smiled and thanked her for the visit, promising that he would do everything possible to return to his previous life.An hour later, in his Neurology room.Sara: "Hi Lorenzo, I tried to reach you this afternoon, but couldn't find you. Where were you?"Lorenzo: "Hi Sara, sorry for not letting you know. I had a visit from a friend I hadn't seen in a while, and we spent some time in the lobby."Sara: "Ah, I see. How are you doing today?"Lorenzo: "Better, thanks. I made some progress during physiotherapy today."Sara: "I'm glad to hear that. But your friend? Who was she?"Lorenzo: "Her name is Lavinia; I've known her for a while. I haven't seen her since I was admitted here."Sara: "Ah, okay. Yes, you mentioned her before."Lorenzo: "Yes, we had an aperitif at the hospital bar and talked for a long time."Sara: "Ah, I see. I hope I didn't interrupt anything."Lorenzo: "No, no, don't worry."Sara: "Alright then. Have a good dinner. See you tomorrow?"Lorenzo: "Sure, see you tomorrow."In the night, Lorenzo woke up abruptly. His heart was pounding wildly, and cold sweat ran down his forehead. He looked around, still disoriented, to realize that he was still in his hospital room.He remembered the dream he had just had and replayed it in his mind, trying not to be overwhelmed by the feeling of anguish that surrounded him. He found himself once again on the streets of Zurich, a city he knew well but now felt different. The shop windows were illuminated, and people passed by, yet he was there, in a wheelchair.The crowd moved past him, indifferent to his presence, as if he had become invisible. Lorenzo, trapped in that chair, knew he wasn't the person he used to be, unable to do the things he loved.The noise of the passersby turned into a deafening cacophony, as if it wanted to swallow every thought he had. Lorenzo felt overwhelmed, frightened, and alone. He wanted to scream, but no sound came out of his mouth.Suddenly, the dream dissolved, leaving behind a sense of emptiness and sadness.

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