Chapter 16

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The sun slowly rose on the horizon, casting its gentle rays into the room. Lorenzo and Lavinia woke up naked, wrapped in a warm and intimate embrace. The sheets had slipped away from their bodies, as if to make room for their passion.Lorenzo woke up first and smiled as he looked at the woman beside him. Lavinia still seemed half-asleep, but when she felt his presence next to her, she smiled too. They held each other even tighter, as if wanting to merge into one body.Lorenzo noticed that the sun was rising higher in the sky, indicating that it was already morning. He slowly got up from the bed and walked towards the window. He looked outside and saw the sea glistening under the sunlight, as if inviting them to spend another day together.He turned back to Lavinia and, in a gentle tone, said, "Good morning, my sweet." She turned towards him and smiled, saying, "Good morning, my love." They exchanged a long, passionate kiss before deciding to get up and start a new day together.The morning light filtered through the windows, illuminating the table set for breakfast. Lorenzo couldn't stop looking at Lavinia; her beauty was enchanting. But something caught his eye: marks on her back. Lavinia noticed his gaze and tried to hide them, but then, after a moment of hesitation, she confessed the truth. Her ex-boyfriend, a violent and drug-addicted man, had left those scars with his inhumane acts. Lorenzo felt horrified and concerned for Lavinia, but he decided not to ask her further. Their silence was only interrupted by the clattering of dishes and the pouring rain outside the window. Breakfast was difficult to enjoy, as both were consumed by their thoughts.Lorenzo decided to make a confession to Lavinia, a revelation that had weighed on his heart for too long. "I have to tell you something, Lavinia," he said with uncertain voice, "the spinal cord injury has caused a rare syndrome in me. I can't feel anything in my right leg." Lavinia remained silent, listening carefully to Lorenzo's words. Then, without hesitation, she took Lorenzo's hand and invited him to sit down. "But how can that be?" she asked with a worried voice. Lorenzo shook his head. "I don't know, but it's true," he replied. "Do you want to try?" he then asked Lavinia, pointing to his right leg. Lavinia looked at him with astonished eyes, and then, with some reluctance, she took a small pinch of skin on Lorenzo's leg between her fingers. Lorenzo felt nothing, and Lavinia felt as if her breath had been taken away. "It's incredible," she whispered, "I can't believe it."Lorenzo decided to change the subject and asked Lavinia how her job as an art director for Freeda Media was going. As they enjoyed their coffee, Lavinia told him about her latest advertising campaign, a resounding success that made her feel fulfilled. Lorenzo listened attentively, admiring the passion and determination that Lavinia poured into her work."I have to admit that you're an extraordinary professional," Lorenzo said with genuine admiration. "You have an incredible talent for creating advertising campaigns that hit the mark. How do you find inspiration?"Lavinia smiled, a little embarrassed. "It's not easy; it takes a lot of creativity and imagination, but that's what makes the work so stimulating. You have to capture the essence of a product and transform it into an idea that can capture the audience's attention. It's a constant challenge, but it's also very rewarding."Lorenzo nodded, understanding the passion that fueled Lavinia's work. "I must say, I'd love to see your advertising campaigns around the city. I would be proud to say, 'That's my girlfriend.'"Lavinia blushed slightly but then smiled. "That would be nice, wouldn't it? Who knows, maybe one day you'll see one of my advertising campaigns around the city."After breakfast, Lorenzo looked deeply into Lavinia's eyes and confided that he had made an important decision. He was tired of his current job and had decided to make a change in his professional life. He would leave the transportation company and sign a severance agreement.Lavinia listened attentively and then asked, "And what will you do next, Lorenzo?"Lorenzo took a deep breath and then replied, "I've applied to the Silvio D'Amico National Academy of Dramatic Art for a master's degree in screenwriting. I've always loved cinema, and I've decided to follow my passion."Lavinia hugged him, happy for his courageous decision, and told him that she would support him in every possible way. But then, with a mischievous smile, she reminded him that she had to leave soon for a work call.Before parting ways with a long and passionate kiss, Lorenzo excitedly announced to Lavinia his plans for the upcoming Saturday night: an exclusive party at his wonderful house with a swimming pool. "I'm thinking of inviting our dearest friends, I'll set up a lavish buffet, and you can come around noon to fully enjoy the whole day," he said with a gallant tone and a seductive smile. Lavinia, surprised and delighted at the idea of spending a memorable evening, couldn't help but nod enthusiastically. "I'll be there, I can't wait to have an unforgettable time with you."Lorenzo was shocked by Lavinia's words about her violent ex-boyfriend. His mind was in turmoil, unable to stop thinking about the man who had hurt the woman he had by his side. He wanted to know more but didn't know how to ask without seeming intrusive.The question burning on his lips was "Why didn't you report that man?" But he knew it wasn't easy to talk about these things, that there was always the risk of hurting the person who had already suffered enough.He thought about all these things as he watched Lavinia leave, knowing that he would have to wait a little longer before he could ask what was swirling in his mind.He felt so close to Lavinia, but at the same time, so far away.

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