Chapter 17

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Lorenzo grabbed the phone and dialed the number of the human resources office at his Transportation company. The metallic voice of the automated system greeted him, but he didn't give up and pressed the right buttons to be connected to an operator.After a few moments of waiting, a woman with a gentle voice answered his call. Lorenzo introduced himself and explained that, due to his medical condition, he needed to extend his sick leave.The woman asked a few routine questions about his health but then got to the point. "I understand, Mr. Lorenzo. But did you know that extending your sick leave could result in a reduction of your salary?"Lorenzo nodded but didn't back down. "I know, but I've decided to accept the severance package that you offered. Can you send me the documents for signing?"The woman seemed surprised but then regained her composure. "Certainly, Mr. Lorenzo. We will send everything to you as soon as possible."Lorenzo thanked her and hung up the phone with a sigh of relief. It had been a difficult decision, but a necessary one.He felt the need to get some fresh air and clear his mind from work and personal matters. So, he decided to take his beloved mountain bike and explore the surrounding countryside.He put on his cycling jacket, fastened his helmet, and set off towards the hills that stood on the horizon. He knew he couldn't tackle steep climbs, but he didn't mind. He just wanted to enjoy the beauty of nature and pedal freely.He found the perfect road, fairly flat and immersed in the greenery of the countryside. Brushing against the fields of immature wheat, Lorenzo pedaled relentlessly, feeling the cool wind on his skin and the scent of freshly cut grass. He felt free, as if all his worries had vanished.He felt exhausted but also satisfied after completing his last mountain biking ride. The effort left him with a sense of fulfillment that now reflected on his face. His mind was preparing for a moment of rest when suddenly the sound of his smartphone surprised him.It was Tommaso, his closest friend since university. Lorenzo answered, and Tommaso's voice immediately lifted his spirits."Lorenzo, are you still in the hospital?" Tommaso asked. "I'm in Rome and would like to come and see you."Lorenzo replied that he had finally returned home after weeks of rehabilitation at Santa Lucia. Tommaso was overjoyed for him but apologized for not being there during his hospitalization."Don't worry, Tommaso. I'm fine now, and you know I never asked you to come. But... I'd love to see you," Lorenzo replied. "In two days, I'm organizing a party at my place with all our dear friends. Bring whoever you want."Tommaso responded enthusiastically, "Can I come with my new partner?" Lorenzo smiled, happy for his friend who had found love. It was nice to know that their friendship bonds were still so strong after all these years.Lorenzo was caught in a whirlwind of emotions as he talked to his old friend Tommaso on the phone. He was happy to hear him, but at the same time, he felt a sense of anxiety about the decisions he had made.With some reluctance, Lorenzo revealed to Tommaso that he had decided to leave his job at the Transportation company and accept the severance package. He wanted to take a break and pursue his passion for screenwriting by enrolling in a master's program at the Silvio D'Amico National Academy of Dramatic Art.Tommaso showed understanding and encouragement, assuring him that he had made the right choice. Lorenzo felt a certain relief hearing his friend's reassuring words. It was as if, in that moment, all his worries dissolved."I'm trying to figure out what I really want to do with my life," Lorenzo said in a subdued voice. "And I think this is my chance to truly pursue it."Tommaso continued the conversation with an enthusiastic tone, explaining to Lorenzo why he hadn't been able to visit him at Santa Lucia. He had an important meeting in Madrid with Netflix, the famous streaming platform, to discuss the production of a new TV series he was set to write: "Blue Romance." An intense love story between two young people, with pulp tones and set in Italy and Spain, on which Netflix had high expectations.Tommaso couldn't hide his excitement, but he knew that to make the most of this opportunity, he needed something more."Lorenzo, I need your help. I agreed to write the screenplay for this new TV series, but I want it to be the best version, and I need your creativity and originality," Tommaso explained. "If you agree, I'll introduce you to my team, and we'll try to arrange a meeting with the producers. Netflix pays very well, even for a new series."Lorenzo remained silent for a moment, trying to process everything he had been told. Then, with a smile, he replied, "Of course, Tommaso. I'd be happy to help you. I know how important this opportunity is for you, and I'm sure that together, we can do great work."Tommaso cheered, delighted to have his friend by his side at such a crucial moment in his career.Tommaso continued the conversation with excitement, "And if the people at Netflix want to meet you in person, you'll come with me to Madrid! It would be fantastic! You could explore the city and, maybe, come up with some ideas for the screenplay."Lorenzo was momentarily perplexed, but then Tommaso's proposal started to intrigue him. Madrid had always been a city he wanted to visit, and the opportunity to be involved in the production of a TV series for Netflix was incredible.Tommaso then concluded the call, asking, "At what time should I come with my partner?""After noon, once we've prepared everything for the buffet," Lorenzo replied with a smile on his lips.Tommaso assured him that he would share all the details about the series production at the party, but then added, "Get ready because there's a 99% chance we'll be heading to Madrid."Lorenzo sat at the kitchen table with the phone in his hand, calling the human resources office of his Transportation company once again. He couldn't bear the monotony of his job anymore and wanted to finally pursue his passion for screenwriting.After explaining his situation, the secretary sent him the severance agreement via email. Lorenzo immediately opened it and carefully read every line. It was a tempting offer: three years' worth of salary plus severance pay, with NASPI unemployment coverage for up to two years.He couldn't believe it. That was his chance to fully dedicate himself to his passion and no longer have financial worries. He signed the document and sent it back to the secretary right away.The next day, Lorenzo showed up at the predetermined location to sign the resignation papers, in a secluded place along the ring road. He was happy and relieved to have finally concluded that bureaucratic process that had prevented him from focusing on his true dreams and passions. The company representatives and union officials were there waiting for him, and everything went smoothly. One of the representatives shook his hand and said he was glad to see him in good health and that he had done well taking care of himself.

Lorenzo responded with a full-circle smile and thanked everyone with a nod. He couldn't wait to begin the new phase of his life, dedicating himself wholeheartedly to his love for screenwriting.He left the signing location with a heart filled with happiness and headed towards home. He turned on the radio, cranking up the volume, immersing himself in the notes of a song that reminded him of summer and freedom. Sunlight streamed through the car windows, illuminating his serene and relaxed face. It was an unforgettable day. There was nothing that could stop him now.As he traveled along Via Aurelia, the coastal road that led him home, he thought that he had finally obtained a substantial sum that would allow him to pursue his passion: writing. Lorenzo had never doubted his abilities and creativity, but he had always struggled to reconcile his passion with his day job.Lorenzo sighed deeply, feeling relieved and light. It was as if a huge stone had been lifted from his path, and now he could finally breathe freely. Looking out of the window, he admired the unfolding landscape: the sea, the blue sky, the green hills. It was a moment of serenity and inner peace."Chapter closed," Lorenzo thought, smiling.

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