☆~Chapter 41~☆

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  Another day living with Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow, Vee, Camila, and...Hunter.

It's really nice Luz goes to school every day since with school year started. Camila cooks for us. And we hang out every day! Living in the human world for this past.... month? Months? I'm not too sure. Has really changed us. We got to see where Luz grow up stuff humans do. All good.

But the biggest thing that has changed is my relationship with Hunter. We're dating now! I had my frist kiss! And it was all in the human realm.

....Without... King and Eda...

I know Luz misses them too...and I don't NORMALLY  get home sick...but it's different now. Me and Luz are in the whole different world. And we don't even know if their okay..

But its fine right? Eda and king are super strong..they can handle anything!



"So uh Luz what's this Halloween holiday every one is freaking out over?" I ask Luz, who is putting up decorations for this "Halloween". Thing they have in the human realm.

"We'll it's basically a holiday that kids go around going door to door  in outfits saying 'trick or treat' and then they get candy." Luz explains to me.

"Uh-huh....but didn't Camila say something like "don't take candy from strangers." When Gus tried to take that peace of candy from that old lady the other day?" I asked in a super confused tone.

"Well that's different."

"How though?"

Luz didn't respond after that. This whole Halloween thing sounds like it's making fun of the boiling isles trying to be all scary and stuff.

"Luz! Y/n! Dinner is ready!" Camila yells from inside.

"Halloween kinda sounds really weird but I guess everything in the boiling isles is weird." I shrug off walking inside with Luz.

"I got all the decorations put up ma." Luz smiles taking the plate off of the counter.

"Thank you Luz you didn't have to do that." Camila smiles hugging her daughter. As Luz tries to tell her mom that it wasn't a big deal and that she was happy to help. Or something like that.

Grabbing my plate off the counter and walking into the living room where everyone else was I thanked Camila for the food and sat down. Only to see the TV showing these three women in dresses.

"What is this? They look like there from the 80s in the boiling isles." I say looking at the women yell at each other.

"This is a movie about witches." My boyfriend said looking every happy about watching the movie.

"Okay then." I smile looking at the TV screen.


The movie is almost over and I feel violated. Humans have no idea what witches do, or what kind of magic they do.

This.movie.is foul.

Sure it's good for little kid internment but off of REAL witches this is outrageous.

"This movie is just, no." I say. As Luz snaps a picture and puts it into a memory book we made. As she start laugh so bad she starts crying.

"I agree this movie know NOTHING about witches! Witch's don't need kids for their magic!" Hunter says standing up and throwing his arms every where. "I would know if they needed it or not." He says glaring at the TV in front of us.

Luz finally stop laughing at all of our confusion she stands behindthe couch resting her hands on it. "Yeah now that I've actually been to a world with REAL witches. This movie tells nothing but lies about witches and how they get their power."

"This movie is good. But it's just wrong." Gus says fake crying.

"Maybe you guys just need some rest. And get you minds off of it." Camila smiles turning off the TV. "Good night everyone."

"Good night Camila." Gus, Hunter, and I say walking don't to the basement and jumping into our "beds"

"That movie was just wrong, witches dont...."

Hunter says trailing off and mumbles about how witch don't do this or they don't need that. And by the point he was done Gus had fallen sleep and the light had been turned off. And I was about of fall asleep.

"Hunter.." I mumble "Your getting too lost in your thought." I say with a sleepy voice.

"Oh yeah sorry." He said turning to face me.

"It's fine. And the movie was THAT bad you know." I was thinking back to when the movie was pretty funny. Minus the false information but other than that 10/10 movie.

"It's was okay... I guess..I mean! If you liked it, it HAD to be amazing!" He said getting red in the face.

"It was good." I say getting out from under neath my blanket and sitting right next to Hunter. "Mind if I sleep down here tonight?"

He took at second to respond but had then pulled me into the sleeping bag. "So is it a yes?" I ask.

"Yeah...yeah it is. You can sleep down here to night." He said hugging me.

"You know it doesn't really feel any different now that we're actually dating...it just feels like we're still Y/n and Hunter. Just like we use to be." I say hugging my boyfriend.

Then all of a sudden he stopped hugging me and sat up? "Like when I was..." he said but then stopped him self.

"When you were the Golden guard?"

"Yeah..." he said and that's when I sat up and met him face to face. Sure he was looking down but I set saw his eyes. Puting my hand on his chin and making him looking up at me.

I kissed him.

Being the first one to break off the kiss I said. "Hunter back then was different I didn't know you I only knew you as the 'Golden guard' I didn't know Hunter yet. But it's different now right?" I asked making eye contact.

"Yeah it just that when we didn't really know each other you hated me...and I hated you..."

"Well you don't hate me now...right?" I asked taking his hand, and intertwining our fingers together.

"No, I don't, Y/n I love you. And I never thought I'd be able to say that to a person but now I know I can. I really do love you, Y/n."

"You know Eda would always say that 'actions speak louder than words'..." I say kissing him again.

But this time Hunter broke it off trying to catching breath.

"Come one you goof ball let's get some rest." I say laying down.

"Yeah. Some sleep would be for the best huh?" He says laying down.

"I love you Hunter, good night." I say hugging on his chest.

"Sweet dreams, and I love you too, Y/n to the moon and back." He says hugging back.

1284 Words

HEYYYYYYYYY another chapter down!! Sorry that I didn't post for like 3 weeks? IDK BUT I do have a reason I went on a vacation with my best friend we went to a water park. And then the day they dropped me off I was planing on writing know that day but then my best friend stayed the night sooooo🤷‍♀️ but I am still gonna TRY and write school is starting soon so ykyk but what I will say is that the next 3 chapter are gonna be about the S3 eps and chapter 42 will be ALL about S3 ep1 so it might be a bit longer than the other chapters. I'm not sure how long cuz yk the ep is like 45 mins long? I'm nor sure but ykyk|and if you liked the story/chapter remember to vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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