♡~Chapter 14~♡

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"Luz! Time to wake up!" I yell walking over to luz's room seeing nobody in there. "I'm down here!" Luz yells from the down stairs to the up stairs. When i walk down stairsto from kuz she was messing around with some papers."You okay luz?" King says from the other room on top of eda's head.

"Yea yea eda look!" Luz tells eda shoving a piece of paper in eda's face. "Every glyph combo?" Eda asks holding the paper.

"Yea! And plus I've already learned a new combo." Luz puts a newer glyph on King's bunny, it glows a dark blue-ish and she throws it?! "It's a safety hover."

Before the bunny could hit the ground it stop and stays there for a couple of seconds before hitting the ground. "And I'm already on my way to building a new portal door." Luz says pointing to hooty holding together a really messed up door. But sadly falls trying to hold it.

"I borrowed it becuase Ive got a castle insider giving me castle info on belos...willow gave me hunter's contacts." Luz chucks typing on eda's scroll. I walk over to Luz to see what she was typing and...it was pretty funny

Is Belos evil?? You can tell me!
Also hi!
It's Luz!


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SORry. Wrong. Person ..

Then I get a notification on my scroll and Luz looks at me faster than I could look at my scroll. "Hahaa probably spam." I laugh no looking at my scroll. "Hm your avoiding something. Spill it" Eda says rubing her face. "I am not!....maybe I am.." Luz says handing eda back her scroll.

She sits down on the table and I look down at her with a puzzled face. "Okay I definitely am." We all sit around her eda sits on her right and I'm on her left with King on my shoulder. "Year year me and mom spend our time doing this little ritual we do." Luz says as eda puts luz's jacket on her.

"You know what, what you need it a healthy distraction your problems. Like breakfast!" King says getting off my shoulder. "Yea I could got for a Griffen egg." Luz says hugging King. Both eda and king walk off to the kitchen and I would've followed them but I hear Amity?

"Luz! I have a problem that could distract us ALL day." Amity says walking through the door. "Let me hear it and don't spare a single detail." Luz says jumping up from the table. "Um okay okay so you guys can do your couple things, Luz tell eda and king I'm going out to day, okay?" I grab my palizmen some books and other things and put them into a bag that was laying around.

"Okay Y/n have fun!" Luz says trying to be as happy she could make it sound in front of Amity. "And luz?" I ask before walking out of the door. She turns around and looks at me. "Try not to think of, that, the whole day okay?" I ask of her not to worry herself to death. She nodes and I walk out the door.

"Are you reallyyyyy going out?" Hooty asks moving closer to me. "Yea hooty! It just...hard seeing Luz this sad....Plus Amity's here I don't want to stop the couple stuff." I say walking off.

I walk to the library only to find coven scout? "Excuse me what going on here?" I ask walking up to the tallest scout, probably the head scout. "Do you have some books from here?" He asks puting his hand out. "Um yea I do but I mean what are you doing here at this library.?" I asks grasping my books more.

"This library is being turned into a place for the emorpor, I can't tell you what though so we need to collect the books. So if you do please hand them over or you can buy them for 10 snails a piece." He says puting his hand down offering me to buy the books. "I would but..."

"They'll buy them! There are the snails." A voice says from behind me. It's was him....the golden guard. He hands the head scout a bag of snails. "Thank you Golden guard." The head scout says walking away. Then Golden guard put his hand on my back and started pushing me away from the scout.

"Head scout! You'll be in charge until I get back." He yells so the scout. "Uh um Yes Sir!" The head scout gets really excited with the power he was just in trusted with.

"Why did you do that?" I ask the Golden guard. "What you mean? Praise your day with my presents?" He says showing off himself. "Noo I mean why did you buy the books for me? I could've gave them back." I say putting MY books in my bag.

"I just though because you seemed to in joy those books so much you would've liked to keep them. But of course after the owl lady's shop went down.." he says getting cut off my me, "How did you know that?" I ask pointing to in probably looking at him in the eyes. "Well for starts we have the door and no body has seem the owl lady's shop ever since." He says pointing to himself thinking he was better for having the door.

"Yea so..?" I say crossing my arms looking down. "So no shop means no money, no money means no snail so you couldn't buy the books by your self. " He says, bending his knees getting to were our faces were on the same level. By him being way taller than me. "You don't need to do that! And maybe I could've bought them myself." I say pushing him so he would back up from my face. He laughs seeing as my face got red from our closeness for a second.

"Hahaa sure so what are you doing out here shouldn't you be with the human or something?" He crosses his arms questioning me. "Luz is hanging out with Amity today so I kinda have a free day." I say also crossing my arms.

"Well the head scout is in charge for today we could hang out." He says rocking back and forth. "We could train? Practice magic or um staff skills!" I say remembering that hunter didn't have any magical powers. "Sounds good." He says

"Come on!" He says getting in his staff motioning me to get on with him. When ever I did get on his staff we were in the air almost instantly. He takes off his mask revealing his face. It's was every claiming and nice. He looked really nice with his golden guard outfit with out his mask.

We get to a forest and find a track that led to a circle with out trees or anything. "Hey over! This place looks really nice!" I say moving blushes out of the way so we could get to the circle.

"Nice!" Hunter says looking around in the cicle.

But all of sudden after I looked around a looked at hunter something...felt different.

"Hey hunter...." I say looking around once more. "Yea?" He ask looking at me. "Does something feel different to you also like... deja vu..?" I ask looking st him. "Well now that you mention it kinda maybe it's nothing Y/n, people get a weird feeling a lot of times when visiting new places." He says making me feel better.

"Yea your probably right" I say, which he was.

"So what do you wanna do?" He says taking off his cloak. "Um maybe we could just try to upgrade our best move?" He suggests. "Okay to upgrade our best moves we should show each other our best moves and tell each other what we could improve, so do you wanna do first?" I ask hunter and he nodes.

"My best move has to be the ground shacking with flap." He says. "What is that?" I ask hunter with a puzzled face.

"Allow me to show you."

1447 words
So this will be the chapter for the 17th so yea I think after 15 I'll do a journal about s2 ep 15 and then it will be hollow mind so kinda have it all thought out and the hollow mind ep will be a couple of chapters long. Also I was writing this on the 16th so today is the anniversary for hollow mind✨️🎉🎊 Maybe it's not good to celebrate it, hollow mind wasn't good at all.

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