♡~Chapter 30~♡

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"I thought I recognized that annoying voice!" Kikimora calls out looking down at us from her new every, every tall obamatron.
Shoot, we needed to get out of here now. Hunter was the frist to run, he ran in the complete opposite direction.

We all followed, not much than a couple of seconds we saw a door. That had to be an exit.

But before we could get to the door, a coven scout and an obamatron with vines covering it stepped in front of the door blocking our way.

"Sorry man." The scout said, saying the exact same thing Hunter had said to him before he was sucked into the ground by me and Willow. Oops

We started to back away from the door, or really the scout and obamatron.  Suddenly I heard something, or someone hit the ground. But before I could even turn around all the way, our illusion had disappeared?

Gus had fell on the ground by, tripping on a tube thing? I'm not too sure what that was.

I looked around at everyone to see them in their normal clothes and not a scout uniform.

Before we could take our leave, a huge shadow came over us. It was large enough to cover all 6 of us and probably double.
It was of course none other than Kikimora and Odalia.

"Odalia is my air~ship ready?!" Kikimora yells out to Odalia still in her, I guess, new obamatron.

However for our misfortune we were all locked up in a purple abomination force field. Also with abomination goo all wrapped around our hands, like prisoners would have in jail.

"Just about! And I found two adorable little scoundrels trying to steal it!" Odalia replys, looking back.

When I did the same I saw two obamatron. One was holding Edric and the other was holding Emira.

"But don't worry, they'll be dealt with." She adds.

"Edric! Emira!" Amity call out walking closer to the purple field.
Don't worry they'll just be grounded....with maximum security." Odalia says walking closer to her daughter, still only looking st her with purple everywhere around her.

"Don't you get it?! You're helping a witch hunter!" Amity yells out to her mom with the most discussed face, I have personally could ever imagine, at her mother.

"Mittens I'm tried of all this drama. Sneaking around in little disguises. Convincing the twins to act up...Are you TRYING to make up look bad?" Odalia asks with an ever angry face.

"She's TRYING! To help people!" Luz steps in taking Amity's side, as she should.

"Hush brat!" Odalia yells out to Luz backing away as if Luz had some kind of sickness, that she could change.

"Don't you talk to my girlfriend like that!" Amity says stepping in front of Luz protecting her.

"Girlfriend..? Oh no no no that won't do. We'll find you a new girlfriend. One that's not on wanted posters everywhere." Odalia says making Luz's wanted poster, just to rip it.

It seemed like Amity was getting so mad, the abomination goo on her hands started to melt.And to, I'm guessing, every one's surprise she did brake goo. It turned into a glove with spices on the fingers. It looked like the exact same one she made all the way back when we went to eclipse lake.

What she tried to make the force field brake, was her punching at  the wall. Unfortunately it didn't work. We were all still traped in here."Really Mittens stop that." Odalia says trying to get Amity to stop. But one hit after that other she did the exact opposite to what Odalia said.

As Long As We're Together |Golden Guard x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang