♡~Chapter 12~♡

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  "Students of hexside! Have a palizmen? Have a need for thrills chills and the theatrics? Well this could be you!" Willow says pointing up to Caleb. He was doing probably all the track and flips he knew. People came up asking for pamphlets and we handed out all of them to people at wanted them.

"Wow this Caleb guy is really good! With this many people we'll surely get the flyer derby team approved." Willow says handing out the pamphlets to people.

After every body got their pamphlets and went along their way me and willow picked our team. Our team was Willow, me,
Gus, 'Caleb', Viney, and Stara.

"Caleb" I say as me and willow walk up to him. "Say hello to the best and the brightest of hexside!" Willow says as we move out of the way so he could see his new team members. It was Viney holding back puddles, which I just found out his name. Skara on her scroll. Gus working in his flying.

"Just a few months ago I'd be considered the weak link on any team now I'm leading one! Okay girl don't let the power get to your head just yet." Willow says walking over to the team.
But when I turned around I saw Caleb walking away?

"Hey where you going your field is the other way." I say walking behind him. "You and that other witch said you'd get the best witches for this team but them?! Their pathetic!" He say moving his hand in the ay were our team was. "You just met them give give them one chance!" I say seeing that he just assumed that they were bad. "Over were I come from even chances have to be earned." He says pointing to himself. At that point a flower popped up from past moments when a random flower pops up that's normally willow listening in.

She does that when she isn't supposed to hear something or somebody is hiding something fro her. She has don't this flower hearing thing to me once to many times for me to realize it. So before he could say anything, maybe about our team, how we put together a really bad one, or maybe something about willow. So she couldn't get her felling hurt I stepped on the flower and then he said, "especially if your considered a half a witch like me." He says and I was right for stepping on it.

That would have made willow think of her past name that people gave her. We don't need that again.

"Sorry assistant have fun at your match..." he waves and tries to walk away when we both get eaten by the ground. All of a sudden we were on the field with all the rest of the members. He started panicking moving his staff all around when skara walks up and helps Caleb and I off the ground.

"Sorry I was distracted earlier been playing grudgby for so long I needed to catch up on the lasted flyer derby strats." Skara says holding out her scroll and shows him the strategies.

"Thoses look... complicated.." he says looking at some of them. "They are." Skara says

Then we hear viney sigh with puddles on the ground. "Okay finally got puddles down for a nap, now I'm only scared emotionally." Viney says walking away from puddles and making a dark blue circle around her self with her scares all gone.
Gus comes around flying on his staff but instead of him siting on his staff he was standing on it.

"I thought you couldn't fly?!" Caleb says looking at Gus super puzzled. "So I can't fly like every body else, just my way is more fun." Gus winks at his palizmen.

"Oh that's uh cool i guess..."Caleb mutters. "Uh what was that?" Gus puts his hand to his ear teasing Caleb. "I said it was cool! He yells back at Gus. When willow pops up out of the ground and Caleb jumps to the side almost falling on me. I hold him up and push him back on to his feet.

"Gus is a natural speed demon skara is a strategic wizard viney's the best healer in school and Y/n is top of all her class and they are in all the tracks." Willow says looking around our team and gone in front of all of us pulling out her staff.

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