☆~Chapter 39~☆

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"Oh titan please give me strength." I whisper to myself, walking up the stairs with Luz. Neither of us said a word walking up other than Luz giving me little smiles and giggles. Once we reached the top of the stair chase too see food on the dinner table, party streamers all around, but weirdly no people.

"Where is everyone Camila?" I wonder looking around to still see no body.

"Their all outside, we thought it'd be better to have the party outside than inside. Go ahead join them." Camila smiles. "Luz, can you help me move the food outside, please?"

I smile figuring out where everyone was, leaving Luz to help her mom I close the door behind me. "Heyy Y/n!" Willow smiles running over to me with a red cup in her hand.

"Hey Y/n why did you need guys need the basement earlier?" Hunter asked walking over to where me and willow were standing with the same red cup in his hands.

But I did say a single word. I just stood there! Just looking at him made me so nervous. But i still just stood there with a really red face thinking about what im gonna have to tell him later. "Y/n..?" Hunter asked. "Are you okay?" He questioned.

"Hahaa yeah I'm okayyyy. Wha-what uh makes you think I'm not okayy??" I stumble over my own words.

"Food is here!" Luz smiled with pots of food in her hands.

"Let me help you with that Luz!" I shout almost running to her side taking 2 big pots. Just anything to get me aways from Hunter. Not that I don't want to be around him it's just...I don't know really.


There party goes on and on and on like any normal party would. But anytime that Hunter would try and talk to me it's like time goes 100 times slower.

"Y/n come on the day is almost over you have to tell him sometime!" Willow says puting down her new red cup.

"How though! I have no idea how to tell him!" I say putting down my red cup right next to Willow's. "You've seen how I act around him tonight! Even one word and I'm already a tomato!"

"Y/n I'm doing this for your own good.."


"Heyyy Hunter!!" Willow shouts walking over to Hunter which just so happened to be standing right in the middle of the back yard talking to Gus.

"Uh yeah Willow? Do you need something?" He asks looking away from his conversation with Gus.

"Well we need to talk about you and Y/n like now."

"What about Y/n and me? Does it have something to do with the way they've been acting?" Hunter gasped.

Through out how this conversation has been going on I've just been standing there watching from a far. My jaw dropped to the green grass. I can't believe this is actually happening.

"See Y/n does have a reason why they've been acting like this all night. They actually--"

"Excuse me! Hunter can I see you for a second thanks!"

"Hey! What are you-" Willow then sees me grabing Hunter away and smiles..?


This was her plan along! She wanted me to snatche him away so I can tell him myself! I'm gonna get her later..

"Y/n what all this about?!??" Hunter questioned being pulled over away from Willow.

"You wanna know what's all this is about. Hahahaaa of course you do." I smile trying to laugh is off.

I take one more deep breath looking down at my feet. Just knowing that my face is redder than a tomato.


"Okay okay okay...Hunter...willow and gus have been trying to...help..me with a little problem that has been going on ever since we're got to the human realm." I say looking back to where the group should be. I got a perfect view since we were in the middle of the yard. But what I saw wasn't what I expected.

I saw everybody standing there. Amity and Luz were holding hands smiling. Gus, Willow, and Vee were holding a thumbs up. And Camila looked like she was in tears.

I trun back to see Hunter look super red and confused at the same time. "Okay I'm pretty sure Willow or gus is gonna tell you if I don't tell you tonight to I'm just gonna say it!" I shout closing my eyes.

"Hunter.. I don't know what I'm feeling right now and I have no idea what my future is gonna be like..if we're gonna get back home or not or even if you feel the same way" i take one more deep breath. "...Hunter I really like you...and not how I like the group like...I like you...And I think if we're together I think we can do a lot, and that we're a good team so Hunter....will out go out with me!?" I say closing my eyes scared of what his answer would be.

Saying those 3 words felt like I was gonna past out.

I almost opened my eyes whenever something stopped me..it was someone hugging me..? It was Hunter! I felt like I was holding my breath when I realized it was him.

"Y/n I'm so glad you said that..Gus and Luz were doing the same thing..and I just did know who to say it. Yes...yes I will go out with you!" Hunter smiles letting me go.

But before either of us could say anything everyone jumped out cheering for us.

"Yeahhh Y/n! I knew you could do it!" Gus smiled hugging me.
"Cause willow was about to tell him for me." I say looking at him. "But you still did it." Luz smiled looking at me and Hunter.

"Oh my babies! I'm so proud of you two!" Camila says running up to the two of us, hugging us in tears? But surprisingly Hunter was also in tears?

"Thanks Camila.." Hunter smiled.


Once the party was over I guess I started acting like my normal self again, or that's at least what Luz told me.

We packed everything back up, and layed down for bed.

"I'm gonna let you two sleep in here alone tonight. Me and Willow are gonna have a sleep over. Have fun." Gus smirked walking up the stairs and closing the door behind him.

I was sitting on the couch and Hunter was sitting on the floor where he sleeps.

"So does this mean we're dating now? Like partners kind of dating?" Hunter asked looking up at me on top of the f/c couch.

"I guess so..?" I say with an unsure answers. "I'm not really the best when it comes to relationship type of stuff." I smile standing off of the couch and on to the floor where Hunter is sitting.

"Umm I've seen Luz and Amity holding hands before so can I...?" He asks holding out his hands.

I gladly take his hands intertwining our fingers together. "You know it feels really nice to hold your hands in mine.." I smile, looking up to see a red mess of Hunter.

"Yeah..feels perfect." He smiles back.
1397 Words
Okayyyyyy so not totally the end of the fan fic. TOTALLY NOT BC OF ODC OR ANYTHING but I'm gonna go to 45 chapters
So up until chapter 42 their still gonna be in the human realm and then 43-45 there all gonna be each other season 3 eps (BTW!! 43 is yk gonna be S3 Ep1, 44 is gonna be S3 ep 2, 45  is gonna be S3 ep 3 and then that's gonna be the end of the fan fic. BUT those three chapters aren't gonna be my normal 1000 to 2000 words there gonna be I'm gonna guess like 5000 words I don't really know but I'll still put how many words it is) BUT I still down know when ever I'm gonna write the next chapter probably next week like I always do or if I wanna get this fan fic over with idk. Cuz I do have an idea for another fan fic but yk idk if I'm gonna post it so let me know if you want the other one.❤️

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