☆~Chapter 35~☆

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For the next few weeks went by pretty fast. We cleaned up the old little house, and made it our little hide out. We tried opening the door again which didn't go super well. We tried human food, and even tried to cook human food for Camila and Luz, they said they loved it but spit it out a second later.

Flapjack got his own little cage, and all of our palizmen got a small bed to share.

Luz showed us are the human world, which Gus was really excited about. Luz and Amity finally got to go on a date, which was maybe crashed by us. We got to do a lot of stuff humans do in the summer time like catching bees, swimming, sleep overs, watching movies.

But it didn't feel like we were in the human realm for long, we were there for over 2 weeks. Luz did have to go to her human school. Gus and Willow were really excited and wanted to go there her, but they knew it they could show off their ears.

"Luz? Vee? What are you guys doing?" Amity asks as I walk next to her down the stairs. Seeing Luz, Vee, Gus, Willow, and Hunter lay on the floor with a map in front of them.

"Explaining the land of the human realm too them." Luz says looking back at us.

"The land?" I sit down next to gus looking at the huge map that sits in font of me. "How hard could it be to understand land?"

"Well, seeing how the Boiling isles is built, the human realm is every different." Vee says showing off the map.

"E-every different." Hunter says looking so stressed, he had hands resting on his face and his eyebrows were closer together.

"Explain it." Amity says sitting next to her girlfriend. "It can't be that difficult to understand."

"Well right now we right in Connecticut, which is a state. A state in side of America. And America has 50 states. America is a country, which is inside of South America, and that's a.."

A. whole. Hour.

A whole hour Luz and Vee explains the "geography" of the human realm.

"Titan have mercy this is going on forever." I say looking down at the other map Vee brought out to show us the whole "Earth".
"I told you it was different" Vee says taking a breath from all the explaining she has been doing.

"What are you kids doing in here? What happened?" Camila asks walking in on, all of us but Luz looking so stressed, we looked like we were going crazy.

"We're showing them the world's geography ma" Luz smiles like ever thing is so peachy and great.

"Oh how fun! Did you tell them about the all places we went to?" Camila asks sitting down on the couch.

"No not yet. But we did go to Illinois, Texas, and Louisiana which is right next to Texas. And all three of those are..?" Luz tells us.

"State!" Hunter shouts standing up at the same time.

"Yeah!" Luz tells him, and he smiled super proud. And that brought a smile to my face.

"Anyways how about we take a break with a guest coming over?" Camila asks with her hands out.

And to me that sounded really nice. All this world geography has me so stressful.

"Who the guest?" Luz asks sitting down next to her mom.

"Well you don't know them, but Vee do you remember Alex from camp?" Camila asks Vee and that had Vee thinking for a second.
"Yeah I think so? Wait are they coming over?!" Vee says in excitement, that she shoot up in her 'human' form.

She had her short blonde and blue green ish hair, and pumpkin sweater.

"Yeah they'll be over in a couple of minutes." Camila says "which me a couple of minutes to do the dishes." She says standing up and walking into the kitchen.

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