☆~Chapter 11~☆

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"Y/nnnn!! Where my last book?!??" Luz yells half way a cross the house. "It's right here!! I have it in my hands!" I yell putting on my
shoes. Grabbing pancakes waking out the door of my room walking down the stairs into the living room, handing Luz her book. "Here's your book now let's get going before we're late." I say walking out the door.

Pancakes turning in to a staff and me and Luz jump on the staff flying away to Hexside. We go to our classes like a normal day. The only thing that was different, was that after 5th hour classes ended we all got to go outside and create clubs and get people to join. We'll hopefully join there was no 100%.

I was helping Willow and Gus with the hopefully new flyer derby team. Not to mention Hexside's FIRST flyer derby team.

"All ready?" I ask Willow as she makes the sign that says, "flyer derby" really pretty with vines and flowers. "Yep! Now we just need people to join, and team members! Most likely it will of course will be me and gus a probably you!" Willow explains the new flyer derby team members.

"Sounds perfect!" I say joyful, seeing Willow happy for once with year. It's been....different with Amity and her hanging out again, luz has come to the demon realm and changed everybody. Sure it's been different but it's better this way. "Guys guys" Gus laugh putting his arms around Willow and I. "This team is going to be perfect no matter who ever is in it cause it has us three!" Gus says making me feel better and probably Willow too.

"Yea your right Gus with us three wrong could come in our way." Willow smiles bring us into a big hug.

"So just double Possibly triple checking. Willow! Your head captain, Gus and I are the people in the front correct? And the other people who are joining are going to be in the back and middle. Also becuase your head captain you'll be in the front front?" I ask Willow making sure I have everything correct. "Yep! All right I'm in front and captain. You and Gus will behind me and then the other people will be in the middle and back. Alsooo....I have something to tell youuu" Willow says, "what is it?" I ask having not idea what she is going to say.

"Your going to be my.....captain assistant! That means when I don't know what to do or I get out of the game you'll be the captain." She say, "Really?!? I mean for real??" She nodes answering that I will be the captain assistant or side captain that sounds better.
"Wait wait, instead of captain assistant can I be the side captain??" I ask Willow,

"Oh my titan that sounds perfect for you!" She says moving her hands around and then she hugs me for my new part of the flyer derby team, side captain.

"Okay come gus let's get us some team members!" Willow says now holding her palizmen in staff form. "Let out your inner flying freak! Once the flyer derby team is approved we'll travel all across the isles in rocking outfits, working as a team!" Willow says as me and gus organizing some paper with and should be our team in the future. Or at least what we hope.

"Good luck with that!" The teacher for abominations says with an abomination holding him. "Professor homunculus?" Willow asks to her former abomination teacher. Now that she is in the plant track she has a different teacher.

"I've overseen club approvals this year! And I just think flyer derby isnt worth investing in!" He says shaping his figures, now he was hold a piece of paper. "Just becuase it isn't as well known as grudgby doesn't mean." Willow tries to finish why the flyer derby team should still be a thing professor homunculus cuts her off and says, "you misunderstood me I'm shouting it down unless you stand down as captain. I just don't think quitters make good leader." He says referencing how she left his class.

"Your just mad she dropped your class." Gus steps in projecting his friend. "Yea just your her a chance." I add in. "Okay put together a team and we'll have a friendly game of flyer derby after school. If you lead your team to victory maybe I'll approve of your club." He says holding out a picture of a younger vision of himself, with a winning cup. Then walking away.

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