☆~Chapter 17~☆

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Another day in the owl house, we were all done with our chores and so that meant there was nothing to do for the rest of the day. "Okay everyone now that we're all done with our chores, it's a free day now!" Eda says excitedly. Wonderful! I know exactly what everybody is going to go do now. Eda's going to go sleep all day, Luz is probably going to go visit Amity. And then hooty and king are probably going to go do something reckless.

Eda starts walking up the stairs guessing to her bed room. "I'll be asleep for the day, if you need something, don't come get me." Eda yawns.

King jumps on hootys back. And they both yell, "YAY FREE DAY!!!" Going to titan knows where. Then Luz tries to walk pass me out of the door. When I blocked the book way with vines. "What are you going to go do Luz? Nothing to do today?"

"Um yea it's just I'm going to see Gus! Yea yea that's it seeing Gus!" Luz chucks sweating a little.

"Luz I'm just playing go visit Amity just be careful." I laugh walking up the stairs to my room. When I get both a notification from my scroll and a nice little tap on my window. That's right!
I open up my window to reveal the Golden guard in a full Golden guard outfit.

"Hiiiii~~~" he waves hopping into my room sitting on my window steal. "Sorry i didnt get your text until just now." I say unraveling my scroll. "Ready to go?" He asks taking off his mask so I could hear him better.

"Yea just let me change into something different....do you mind um..." I move my finger into a turning motion. "Oh yes of course!" He says turning faster than I could ever imagine somebody turning around.

When I go to grab my shoes I see his red ears popping out of his hood now that his mask wasn't pushing them back. "Okay I'm all ready." I say standing up off the ground from putting my shoes on. Siting down at the window steal just like he was. Trying to get away from the awkwardness before. "Okay hoop on." He says, as I jump on to the other side of the staff. And we started flying.

Once we start to slow down to a window when he opens it. "After you" he says helping me down stepping onto the window. "Thank you goldie." I say now helping him into the room.

"Is this your room?" I ask looking around seeing a lot of books, posters, and paper scrolls.

"Yep." He says looking all around the room. "What are you looking for?" I asks also looking now. "For flapjack, our test subject." When flapjack flys down from the ceiling and attacks hunter's little hair sticking out. "I don't think he liked the name test subject that much." I say as hunter grabs the red bird  yelling at it to grt off of him, and then finally gets a hold of the little red bird and sticks it in his closet. "Okay soon the test will begin but before that we need to get armed up." He says handling me two old pillows, tape, and gloves. "Can you stand in a T possession for me." He asks taking the tape from me as I stand in a T.

He put one of the pillows on my stomach and another on my back. He tapes the 2 pillows to stay in place. Once he was done he put the gloves on me. "Here I'll do the same." I say seeing Hunter struggling to tape the pillows on himself. Once I was done he reached into one of his draws pulling out a tape recorder?
He clears his throat before talking into the recorder. "Week 2 of my palizmen observations. Not to long ago I was able to make mental contact with my paliz-." He stopped before he could say palizmen and started struggling with his words.

"Uh I mean the subject of my observations. His name is flapjack. And I have to be admit... I do not know what a flapjack is. The coven head's are equally oblivious. Eberwolf just hissed at me. As per usual. Darius just ignored me ALSO as per usual. And Raine, they've been acting weird lately.... a lot more quiet. I did eventually get an answer! Belos told me there synonymous to a pancake! But uh, I don't know what that is either. He got suspicious when I asked further so I backed off. Ya know, to protect my experiment. Not because this is anything worth hiding... Obviously.." he says looking over to me. Surely its not. Right?

"Perhaps it's some long forgotten artifact of hellfire and pain! Could it be the reason why our family ow gone? Why I don't have magic?! I must check my forbidden texts...Damn you pancakes!" He says holding up a fist. "Oh hunter after all this I'll have to explain what pancakes and flapjacks are." I giggle.

"Of course, well, up until now I've learned that flapjack likes singing in the morning, catching thenearly rattle-worms, and racing with other bird. With the scar over his eye and a few other notches in the staff. I could tell he was owned by someone else but he won't tell me who when I ask. He just pulls my hair and flaps around. Its clearly a touchy subject. AND PROOF that this vile creature is still hiding something from me! His ture wild nature, his evil intentions! Today, to further my research into the dangers of wild magic. I decided to put flapjack throught a test. Nor he gets a handful of crab-apple claws in the morning. But today I put out a single goreberry. An edible but disgusting fruit often disliked by palizmen. Routine broken, expectations dashed, how will he react? I hypothesize, he will become enraged in his hunger and disappointment! He will show his ture wild colors. Dash around my room, peck at me! It's why in currently in a full armor at this very moment!" He says in his "armor" was only taped flat pillows and gloves,

"And I hypothesize that flapjack is normal, he will eat the goreberry and go a long his day." I add in, "Yes this is Y/n I brought with me just in case something bad does happen, they seem to be a much stronger witch, stronger than normal." Hm witch.... "Oh oh oh oh oh, he spotted it. He seems aggravated...He's pecking furiously at the goreberry." He looks at me and sharply inhaled, "He's not even eating it, He's just tearing it apart! Wild magic does make you vicious! It does- u-uh oh. Um Thanks....flapjack." He says looking down at his hands. "Thank little flap," I say looking down at my hands as well.

"He's eating it." I lightly elbow him smiling. "And he split it in half for us." He says looking again at the 3rd of the goreberry in his hands as he sniffles. "I think its time I conclude these tests." He says looking at me putting away the recorder.

"Me too." I say putting the goreberry flapjack gave me in his hands.

We get cleaned up and put the pillows away and we sit on his bed. "So! You said you'd explain what a pancake and a flapjack was so tell." He says as flapjack lands on his head. And pancakes slides up my arm in my shoulders.

"So what Luz told me back where she lives in the human realm pancakes and flapjacks are types of breakfast foods! They are mostly considered the same thing but others think other wise." I says petting my palizmen.

"No did you hear what I said pancakes and flapjacks are from hellfire! There some demon-ish creations!" He says when flapjack starts to peck at him and pancakes almost got off of my neck. That would be really bad. Judt so nothing would've happened I stopped Pancakes but she was still showing her fangs. "Ow ow ow I take it back! Stop stop!" Hunter yells covering his head.

"Come here flapjack. Here you go hunter." I say getting a hold of flapjack moving to another side of the bed when pancakes moved to the same side of the bed.

Pancakes rolls into a circle like snakes do. Then in the middle of the cicle flapjack flew up and landed laying down cuddling each other. "Awwwww" I say getting out my scroll taking a picture.
"Thats adorable I guess." Hunter says looking at the two palizmens

For a long time we layed on his bed at first siting up then back on the wall then fully laying down looking at the ceiling. We talked for hours talking about thought we had what could happen or things that go now in the human realm. We thought maybe one day we would both go to the human realm together.

Once it started getting dark he took me home.
I opened up my window so I could get into my room.

"Good night Y/n" Hunter said getting more down to my level and flapjacks chirped. "Yea good night hunter... or Goldie." I wink living up his mask to fine a blushing mess underneath. Pancakes hissed but in a good way.

"I'll seen you probably soon." I wink at the Golden guard once more as he nods closing my window laying down in my bed. What a great day today.

1653 words
Chapter for the 18th or Tuesday, the chapters for hollow mind will be on the 29th but for hollowed mind to still make it a least 1000 words it'll probably be more than 2 chapters but I'll try to make as maybe as I can.

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