☆~Chapter 3~☆

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  With me and him...Kings asleep in the 'darkness' of the cage. The Golden boy was just standing there. Without a word, anything... He didn't have much on me to keep me in place only my hands tied behind me. A baby could break out of this. I could ran right now and get away from this Golden boy. But what would be the point he has his staff and could easily put me in better ropes. So why bother?

A little bit after they went into the cage the Golden guard removes and puts down the cover on the cage to mess with King. And I wanted to say something it could have been my only chance to say something to the Golden guard.

"So why did you need to slay a selkidomus again?" I ask looking up at him. He was standing with the cage in his right hand with King inside with him staff in his left. For me I was on my knees with hands or arms tied back behind me.

"The emorpor order me to slay one." He says not giving a glance. "Why?" I ask him. That made him look back at me. He doesn't say a word looking forward again. "Thats none of my business, get my orders and I do them." He says without a expectation. "So you do something from this man that's suppose do to help the isles but won't tell you why?" I tell him.

"So much for being the emorpor's right hand man and most trusted." I look forward to the cave. "I can trust him it's just....He has his reasons!" He says hopping that it was true. "And those reasons were..?" I ask. "Listen witch don't you have something you haven't told any body?" He asks looked down at me. Witch.... I look at him then back down. Yes actually.

There was one thing that Luz my best friend doesn't even know. "See every one has their personal stuff." He says looking back up. "Do you?" I try and ask him when we look at each other at the same time. We pause just...make eye contact? I can't really tell because of his Golden owl mask.

When a horrible smell starts. It's Luz! "Ugh that thing smells awful...Why are you touching it with your hands...gross."he says in disgust. He wasn't lying it did smell pretty bad. "Your gross give me king and y/n!" She yells holding out her hand "Actually he smells pretty bad too....not really them..... here take them." He throws her king and uses his staff to push me in front of Luz and untied me hands.

He walks closer to the sea and pulls out his staff. "Thank your for service you can find your own way home.And try to stay out of trouble....the emorpor is not a merciful man......byeeeeee" he then flys off.

Me and Luz were tied up in the back of the Golden guard's ship. "Why are you stealing palizmen Golden Guard?!" Luz asks him. "Frankly... you two should be worried about yourself of the crime of rocketing me off my own ship! You'll be locked in the dingiest cell of the conformatorium for the rest of your sad little life." He says looking down at us.

"Ha whatever we all ready broke out of there like... twice" I laugh. "Fine well just zap you to dust and throw you in the sea that better?" He ask walking back to the controls. Luz groans. "Good" he starts to stear the ship again. Luz tries to move out of the rope he had put us in. And she notices something..I look down an see that the floor can make marks...? "Say how did you get back on the ship so fast?" She asks making a ice glyph on the floor.

"Staff" he answers holding his hand out to his staff. "Cool" I replay. Luz stomps on the glyph and a ice shard pops out shooting the staff out of the ship. Now is who know where! "NO!" The Golden boy yells puting his hand out for the staff when we all know it's well gone. "O-oohaha human it'll take more than that to thorwd my mission!" He points to us.

Then all of a sudden a I see a blue finger dragon. Then a roaw falls the ship. The ship starts to tip over and moves left to right and then the balloon part...POPS?!? The ship hits thr ground and every thing went dark.

I feel pecking on my back and a fant sound. I think I heard my name? It was Luz! "Hey Y/n are you okay? Hello?!" She asks getting the ropes off me and I turn around to see the same little animals as before.

The witch snake and the red bird. "Thank little guys and thanks you Luz." say picking up the animals. "No prob" She says smiling. Wait...she has the Golden guard's staff "So what happened...?" I ask looking up at her as we both stand up. "Kikimora tried to kill us now she's trying to kill the Golden guard." She says with my eye opening up more. "We need to help him. Do you two know where he's at?" I look down at the animals in my hands.

The little red bird nodes and flys on to the ground and looks back at me motioning me and Luz to follow him. So we do and we see the Golden guard lying down... without his mask?! "This is the Golden guard..? I ask getting closer look at him and his face. He was a messy blonde, a cut in his right ear? A scare in uis check and eye bags but way bigger than mine or any body else I've ever seen. "He does look like he could be a student in hexside." Luz says looking down at him also looking a pond the Golden boy with out his mask.

She gets closer and closer "WAKE UP!" she slaps him clean on the face. "H-huh you!" He yells looking at the both of us. Was really loud so I put my hand over his mouth. "Listen you are a bad person and I do NOT like you but unfortunately kikimora is trying to kill you and I'm too NICE to let that happen." Luz explains to him and I notice he had magical maroon eyes they were...nice, wonderful even.

All of a sudden I feel something that felt slime on my hand...wait. "GROSS are you liking my hand we're trying to help you!" I yell at him. Whiping it back on him pushing back gross! "Why should I  believe you?!" He pushed me back. "Because..!" Now in a pushing battle.

Another roaw happened and Luz gets up the Golden guard andI follow behind. "Leave your cape" I motion to him as he takes it off. I make sure he did I look behind me and seeing him undo his cape. I catch myself staring...at him. No no no he's in the emorpor's coven he's bad right..? I turn back around and go with Luz. Not so far after I see him going behind me.

We watch as the same figure dragon eats the cape and what I'm guessing that the is now dead.

But that was not the case. The Golden Guard was maybe not well but definitely alive. "Ugh come on" the Golden guard sobbes and walks in front of Luz and I.

We get in front of a castle like building and the Golden boy walks up to some scouts. "Scouts direct me to your conmuitation I need to contact the castle now." He orders the scout pulling down his glove showing his singel. "Cute I didn't teens were still into temporary tattoos." One of the scouts says looking the the 'temporary tattoo' on his arm.

"I am your suppor and I can provide it. Staff." He says to the scouts then looking back at Luz and I. Luz was the one holding the staff. But she when pushes the staff to me. Using magic I first push the staff behind me and then make it look invisible.

When I did that his face was the funniest I've ever seen! I could have brust out laughing. "Okay yea go home before we call your parents." The scouts say walking off. The Golden Guard looks at them walk off to some of the other scouts. He looked at us and his face was almost as red when amity get mad. It was so funny! He moved forward and he started to chase us.

We start to move and run all around. Pushing some people out of the way so we don't get caught by the Golden guard. We make I to a dead end when Luz starts to make a lic glyph. I turn around and see the Golden guard. Luz activates the glyph and shoots on a roof. I make a purple circle with my hand and abomination hand lifts me up on to the roof with Luz.

"What's wrong Golden guard???" I say teasing him "Dont you know any like leavition spells" Luz says playing a long. But he just looks down. "Are you powerless with out with?" Luz asks taking the staff from me and pointing at it. But he just walks off. "Maybe he is." I just say looking at her then back down. And I see him running up and jumping a cross one building to another. Up to here and we just back up on to the other end of the roof. "B-back up!" Luz yells holding the now glowing red tip of a staff. "Or- Or else!" I say make with my figure out and a magic glowing circle around it.

"Or else what?" He asks smirking crossing his arms ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1714 words
For the love of titan this took for ever I told myself I was going to  write another chapter and I kinda did but I said that at middle night it's like 4:10 IN THE MORNING 🥲 Anyways see yall in the next chapter😋

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