♡~Chapter 4~♡

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"Or else what?" The Golden Guard asks crossing his arms with a smirk. I look over to Luz to see what she was going to do. But she had almost...worry...in her eyes. We didn't know what to do other than just stand there. What were we suppose to do?

"You gonna blast me to bits, nah your to nice for that, fly away? Uh-uh you know you can't do that either. Cause then you'll be leaving your precious palizmen. You don't tend to think things through to you, human." He tells us.

He wasn't wrong. Luz would never do that to anyone. We could just fly away and leave the palizmen with kikimora. What do we do? I look over to Luz and see her all ready looking at me.

Then all of a sudden. The same dragon from before flys over us. Luz and I turn around and the Golden guard walks up to beside me and Luz.

The dragon flys down were kikimora was and they start talking."So kikimora was after my catch." He says puzzled. "So seems like neither of us want her to win right now." I say facing to the Golden boy smiling. "Soo let's work together to take back those palizmen!" Luz says getting between him and I.

"Then what? Do you think I'll just let you walk away with them?" He asks crossing his arms. "Maybe you would have a choice." I tell him. "We're more formidable than you think." Luz smiles spinning the Golden guard's staff and almost let's it fall off the roof. We all reach for it, when I grab it. "Yeah I doubt that, but fine a true till then." He says looking unamused from the team we have.

"True!" Luz says holding out her hand. "Ugh" the Golden boy scuffs. "Too slow hehe." Luz laughs moving her hand before he could take it running away. Looking at Luz then back at the Golden boy, "ture?" I smile holding out my left hand, becuase his staff was in my right.

"For now." He says grabbing my hand and we shake on a true. "Now come on!" I say still holding his hand pulling on his hand running to were luz went. We get on a shorter roof top and I see Luz. I stop and see what she is or what she is doing.

"So we need to get the palizmen of course. But the main question is how?" Luz says trying to think of a plan. "Right we need to get the palizmen away from kikirmora and her dragon before they get to close to the emorpor castle." I say letting go of the Golden Boys hand and moving beside Luz. Though...I was only looking at Luz well talk and when I look back at the Golden boy he was....super red in the face. "Soooo does anybody have a plan?" I ask trying to distraught me from his red face.

"I do! We need sleeping metals do you know where we could find some?" Luz asks the Golden guard. "Yes scouts always bring some back from missions just in case." The golden boy says looking back. In the far distance I saw some red flowers in a pot. "Okay we need those can you two go get them?" Luz really tells us to go do. I node walking to the edge to the roof top and made a platform using construction magic. "Coming?" I turn around looking at the Golden boy. "Yeah what do I do exactly?" He asks looking at the platform. "Just get on it." I tell him waving him to get on the platform. He walks on the platform very slowly.

I start walking downward as the platform expands at my feet. I look behind me and see him slowly following behind me. "Gee for the Golden guard you sure are scared of some small magic." I say push his arm, now beside me. "I'm not scared that's would be foolish." He says looking down at the platform forming as soon as I step. "Right" I say as my foot hit the ground.

When my foot hit the ground the platform stops. "There" he points to a corner of the castle and there are the sleeping metals. "Come on" he says sneaking his way to the metals. I follow close behind. We get to the metals and he picks them up. I motion him to start walking again. I want to be in front this time so I started to walk but when I start the dragon roawed. I almost feel backward but I felt something go over my month. It was the Golden guard. 

"Shhhh" he whispers. I push his hand off my month and he goes a head of me and looks up were kikimora and the other scouts were. They weren't looking. We spirit to the old platform and run up it.

"We got them." The golden guard says holding out the sleeping metals. "Mhmm I've never seen magic like this..What will it do?" He asks looking at the fire and ice glyphs on the wall Luz had made when we were gone. "Well we don't want to spook kikimora's steed cause it might grop the nest and hurt the palizmen so these fire and ice glyphs will create a magic smoke." Luz says showing the two glyphs on the wall.

"And the sleeping metals?" I ask looking at them in the Golden Boys hand. "There needed combined with the smoke I will create a-" Luz gets cut off by the Golden boy "a sleeping dosing smoke forcing kikimora to land." Luz and I both look at him. "Oh I read a similar spell in a book once." He replies. "A study of wild magic! Eda once pick pocketed the guy that wrote it." I smile know exactly what book he was talking about. I'm sure Luz know the book to.

"I've never seen magic like this before. But it seems like the element magic practice in the savage ages. Actually not many people know thing but.... no no no this stuff it restricted for a reason..You should forget it before you get hurt." He said it all excited at first then stopped

"Uh-uh we actually never talked to someone in the emorpor's coven other than lilith before." Luz says looking at me. "What made you want to join..?" I ask looking at the Golden guard then back at Luz. He sighs "you two were right before I'm a powerless witch a lot of my ancestors were. I never thought I would a future in a world like this. But then belos found me. Gave me a staff with artificial magic, said 'the titan had big plans for me" he said moving back on the wall with the glyphs of it.

"At least you have have future figure out for you." Luz says looking down. "At least you can figure out your own." He says playing with his thumbs.

Luz and on my left side and Golden guard on my right side. His staff was also on my right.

But before I could say anything. The same dragon roawed and when I looked up the dragon was up in the air and roawed. We all stand up and I look down to my right hand.."here." I tell him trying to hand him his staff. "Really...?"He asks slowly moving his hand to the staff then going back.

"Just take it!" I say moving the staff closer to his. He that's the staff and the tip of the staff or the red jem glows really fast. "Masks on" Luz then explains the plan really fast. She then presses the glyphs with one hand each and a smoke comes out of the wall.

We wall get on the Golden guard's staff and is not far behind kikimora's steed were we can't see it but not close enough for it to see us.

We were off.
1390 words
So I'm not sure if I said this both you and Luz are in all the classes in Hexside. And I will try and make one chapter per day but if not it's going to be chapters on weekends. But I'll try my best🥰

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