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Authors Note;
My first fan fiction on this new account! Hope you all enjoy it :) Comment and vote along the way if you're liking it. Thank you!


Luke stalked down the hallway, eyes cast downwards to the cold floor, his hands fidgeting at his side. His final year of college. It was supposed to be a time in your life where you could truly come to know yourself. It was a time to remember. To cherish. Luke grumbled at the thought of making memories with people that could barely stand him. Don't get him wrong, he actually didn't care what people thought about him and tried his best to just avoid the limelight, but that didn't mean his peers weren't completely wrong about him. He pushed that thought to the back of his mind and continued down the hallway of the rundown college building, a soft sigh escaping his lips. He was determined to make this year go by as quickly and as carefree as he possibly could and then he would be able to get a well paid job and live the rest of his life in peace. Whether other people would let that happen was a different story but Luke was great at pushing other peoples opinions to the back of his mind.

Upon reaching the door of his first lecture, Luke shrugged his backpack off and dumped it on the floor. He was early. As usual. Sliding down the wall, he decided to just wait around. He ran his hand through his long, slightly curly hair. A few loose curls constantly invaded his vison but he didn't mind it. He absentmindedly played with the rings on his fingers and the silver necklace around his neck, trying to keep himself and his thoughts busy.

Feeling a presence beside him, he glanced to the side and smiled when seeing his classmate and somewhat friend, Ashton. "Hey, man." Luke greeted with a warm smile.

Ashton looked over at Luke whilst he also dropped his backpack on the floor and slid down the wall next to the blonde haired boy. "Hey, Luke. Good summer?" he asked nicely. Ashton was the type of person who would speak to anyone and everyone which is why Luke was very thankful that they had been, within limits, friends for the past year. Ashton was handsome to say the least and Luke was absolutely sure the golden haired boy knew that.

"Yeah, it was great. Really great actually. I went away with my family to this really amazing place and we- uh..." Luke stumbled over his words slightly, suddenly self conscious of the fact that he was about to go on a small tangent about where he had been this summer with his family. Luke knew not to brag about what he did or where he went because he knew that not everyone was fortunate enough to do the same. Sometimes he just wanted to be a normal person who was able to talk about the things that he liked without seeming like such a jerk. Ashton raised a single eyebrow when he saw Luke stop speaking so Luke threw him a forced smile. "It was a good summer. Nothing special. How about you?" he asked eagerly.

Ashton shrugged. "It was alright. Didn't really do much other than work. Had to get that lame summer job in the diner I was talking about." he grumbled with an eye roll.

Luke tried to offer him a reassuring look. "Did you make any new friends there at least?"

"Kinda. A few." Ashton replied with another small shrug and a quick smile before receiving a message on his phone.

And that was it. Luke knew that he didn't really have that much in common with Ashton but it was still nice to speak to somebody and try and act like he actually did have a friend. Although Luke really wanted to keep the conversation going in order to feel a sense of normalcy, Ashton seemed to become too engrossed in his phone as a series of chimes and text message alerts filled the air. Glancing around from the ground, he saw a lot of his peers hugging each other and catching up about their summer holidays and what they did during their break. Excited chatter filled the hallway which made Luke hunch is back a little bit more. It was no secret that he had no real friends. People just looked at his lifestyle rather than him and he hated it but he understood. He barely liked himself either.

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