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After returning to their dorm, the familiar surroundings bring a sense of comfort, but the night's harrowing events still cast a shadow over them. They gather in the living area, sitting in a circle, seeking solace and understanding after the terrifying encounter.

In this moment of shared vulnerability, Hyunjin can't contain his curiosity any longer. "Changbin," he asks, his voice still tinged with fear, "what was all that back there? The wooden bullet you fired... a gun against spirits? And how did Jisung transform into a snake? None of this makes sense!"

Changbin takes a deep breath, knowing that it's time to reveal the truth about their extraordinary abilities. "I think it's time we share the truth with all of you," he begins, glancing at Jisung for reassurance. "Jisung and I are childhood friends, and we both come from families with special powers."

The group looks at them with a mixture of surprise and disbelief, their minds trying to grasp the incredible revelation unfolding before them.

"Jisung possesses a hereditary power that runs in his family," Changbin continues. "He's a shapeshifter, which means he can transform into anything he desires. That's how he was able to become a snake and open the door from the outside."

Seungmin, ever the sceptic, tries to process this information logically. "A shapeshifter? That's something straight out of legends and fairy tales!" he exclaims, struggling to come to terms with the revelation.

Hyunjin's eyes widen, a mix of wonder and disbelief in his expression. "So, all this time, you've had this extraordinary ability, Jisung?" He asks, trying to reconcile his friend's normal appearance with this newfound revelation.

Jisung nods with a hint of bashfulness in his smile. "Yes, it's been a secret I've kept for a long time. Only a few close friends knew about it. I belong to a witch family, which is why I can connect with spirits and perform spells as well. This is the reason I was able to summon the spirits in that room." Everyone looks at him with amusement.

Changbin then explains his role in their supernatural world. "I come from a family of shadow hunters," he reveals. "We have the knowledge and tools to deal with spirits and supernatural entities to keep the earth safe from malevolent forces."

Felix, who has always had an interest in the occult, can't help but be intrigued. "So, you're like a supernatural hunter?" He asks, trying to understand the concept.

Changbin nods. "You can say that. It's our family's responsibility to protect the living from the unknown dangers of the spirit world."

As the truth sinks in, the group is left in awe and wonder. They are now faced with the knowledge that they have friends with extraordinary abilities, living in a world where the line between reality and the supernatural is blurred.

As Changbin reveals their identities, Jisung's curiosity is piqued, and he turns his attention to Seungmin. "How were you able to hear those spirits?" he inquires, his eyes searching for an explanation. "Normal humans can't do that; this is something supernatural."

Seungmin looks thoughtful, trying to comprehend the revelation himself. "I don't know," he admits honestly. "I've always had this intuition, but I never thought it was something beyond the ordinary."

Jisung, fueled by his newfound understanding of his abilities, proposes an intriguing idea. "Maybe I can help you discover more about yourself," he suggests. "If you're willing, we can hold hands, and I'll try to channel my powers to sense if you have any supernatural abilities."

Seungmin agrees, intrigued by the possibility of unlocking his potential. They clasp hands, and Jisung closes his eyes, focusing his energy and concentration. He reaches out to his ancestors spirits, seeking guidance and answers.

Cursed Love | HyunChan & HyunHoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें