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As Sam's fingers tighten around the contours of Hyunjin's neck, an ominous sense of terror engulfs Hyunjin's being. Yet, against the suffocating fear, he manages to project an outward facade of unwavering confidence. Their eyes lock in an intense, direct gaze, and in that fleeting moment, a palpable spark crackles between them, a silent exchange of tension and defiance.

Abruptly, a scorpion, with a swift and venomous strike, sinks its stinger into Sam's ankle. In response, Sam recoils, but an unexpected calm blankets his countenance, betraying no hint of pain. The arachnid metamorphoses seamlessly into Jisung, the shapeshifter, revealing the fluidity of his extraordinary abilities. Sam, visibly intrigued by this display of supernatural prowess, can't help but express a certain fascination.

With a smirk playing on his lips, Sam addresses Jisung, "Brave of you to attempt to inflict harm upon me in such a manner! Yet, these clever little tricks fall short of posing any threat to me, little squirrel." The use of the peculiar nickname hangs in the air, underscoring a subtle mockery.

Jisung, taking offense at the moniker, responds with a furrowed brow, "I harbored no intention to harm. I stand here as a guardian for my friend Hyunjin. You'd be wise to steer clear, for you manipulated me into kidnapping him, and I won't allow any harm to befall him now."

Sam's smirk widens as he retorts, "Such loyalty; a commendable friend indeed. I could easily shatter your teeth for that impertinent bite, but I'll grant you mercy, little squirrel, simply because of your undeniable charm." The provocation lingers in the air, and Jisung, now visibly aggravated, demands Sam cease the use of the condescending nickname.

In the midst of this tense exchange, Hyunjin, sensing the escalating conflict, steps in. Placing a reassuring hand on Jisung's shoulder, he urges a departure from the volatile situation. "Leave it, Ji," he advises. "He's only trying to sow chaos, as Minho warned. Let's go."

As Hyunjin attempts to depart alongside Jisung, Sam abruptly interposes, blocking Hyunjin's path. A steely resolve colors Sam's expression as he declares, "I came here with the intention to negotiate, to quell the imminent danger encroaching upon you. However, your foolishness and arrogance have now set in motion consequences that you cannot escape. I will not forgive the theft of my love, nor will destiny look kindly upon your choice of the wrong person. Stay vigilant!"

With this final ominous warning hanging in the air, Sam gracefully departs, his stride exuding an enticing confidence and his every movement commanding attention. The aura surrounding him seems to cling to the departing figure, leaving Hyunjin and Jisung to grapple with the weight of the foreboding words that linger behind.

As Sam ventures towards the secluded backside garden in pursuit of Minho, an unexpected force clamps onto his hand, abruptly yanking him into the concealed confines of a nearby storeroom linked to the garden. In a reflexive display of agility, Sam deftly maneuvers, twisting the intruder's hand with practiced efficiency before forcefully propelling them against the unforgiving wall, their countenance meeting the chilling surface.

Discovering that it was Chan orchestrating the clandestine maneuver that led to their unexpected encounter. Sam relinquishes his firm hold and takes a measured step back. Chan, now facing Sam, reveals a kaleidoscope of emotions within his gaze — sorrow, pain, unrequited love, regret, revenge, anger, and an array of unspoken queries hanging in the charged air.

Casually leaning against the wall, one hand tucked nonchalantly into his pocket, Sam asserts his dominance with a calm assurance, "I am far more formidable than you."

The weight of Sam's words lingers in the room as Chan locks eyes with him, a blend of vulnerability and confusion etched onto his countenance. Chan poses the poignant question, "Why?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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