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As soon as Hyunjin takes his first step towards the bed, an unsettling shift in the atmosphere seizes his senses. It is as though the room itself holds its breath, and a shiver dances down Hyunjin's spine. He turns to look back at Jisung, who sits with an enigmatic look in his eyes and an inscrutable smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Jisung begins to chant, his voice barely above a whisper, yet each syllable he utters carries an undeniable weight. The words he speaks are like a melody from a distant realm, a language foreign and ancient, unknown to all but him. The air grows heavy, and the very space around Jisung seems to tremble with an unseen power.

As Jisung continues his incantation, a strange, otherworldly energy begins to emanate from him, swirling and coalescing into an ethereal mist that envelops Hyunjin. It is a sensation beyond comprehension, like being caressed by the invisible fingers of some otherworldly force. Hyunjin's heart races, and beads of sweat form on his forehead as a sense of profound unease washes over him.

Before Hyunjin can utter a word, before he can even begin to comprehend what is happening, the world around him begins to unravel. It is as though reality itself has sprung a leak, and the seams of existence are coming undone. His vision blurs, and the room spins around him in a dizzying whirlwind. Colours bleed into one another, and the once-familiar room now feels like an alien landscape.

Desperation claws at Hyunjin's chest as he struggles to maintain his balance, but his limbs feel heavy and unresponsive. The incantation reaches its crescendo, and in these final, haunting moments of consciousness, Hyunjin catches a fleeting glimpse of Jisung's eyes, now ablaze with an enigmatic intensity that sends a chill through his very soul.

And then, as abruptly as it begins, the world comes crashing down. An unconscious Hyunjin crumples to the ground, his body succumbing to the inexplicable spell that Jisung has cast. The room falls into an eerie silence, the only sound being the soft, rhythmic breathing of the sleeping world, unaware of the extraordinary events that have just transpired within its midst.


The sun rises majestically, casting a warm, golden glow over the bustling campus of the prestigious university. It's a morning filled with promise and anticipation as students from various faculties gather for their second crucial exam of the semester. Among the sea of eager faces stand four inseparable friends: Changbin, Felix, Jeongin, and Jisung. They've faced countless academic challenges together, supporting one another through the highs and lows of university life. Today is no different, and they've come well-prepared, ready to conquer yet another academic hurdle.

Yet, as they huddle together amidst the chattering crowd, a disconcerting void hangs over their group. The absence of their fifth member, Hyunjin, is conspicuous and unsettling. Hyunjin has always been punctual, never one to keep his friends waiting. His unexpected delay on such an important day raises concern among the tight-knit group.

Felix, his brows furrowed with growing unease, can't help but voice the collective worry that looms over them like a dark cloud. "Where's Hyunjin? Why hasn't he arrived yet?" His voice trembles slightly, betraying his anxiety.

Jisung, ever the peacemaker of the group, attempts to ease the growing apprehension. "Oh, he texted me," he says, a note of reassurance in his tone. "He said he'd be here soon; he got a little delayed. We should probably head to our examination halls, though. We don't want to be late."

Although Jisung's words are meant to calm their nerves, a palpable sense of worry still lingers. With heavy hearts, they reluctantly part ways, each heading to their respective examination halls, their concern for Hyunjin tucked away in the back of their minds.

As Changbin settles into his seat and the exam papers are distributed, his unease only deepens. The questions on the test seem to blur into a jumbled mess, his thoughts consumed by the unsettling absence of their friend. The once-familiar surroundings of the examination hall feel suffocating, as if they're all trapped in a suspenseful thriller, waiting for the next twist in the plot. Changbin can't shake the feeling that something is undeniably amiss.

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