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With the departure of Chan, Jihoon, and Judah, a suffocating silence descends upon the sacred grove, thick as the inky darkness of a moonless night. It drapes over Minho, Hyunjin, and their group like a heavy shroud, smothering their surroundings in an oppressive stillness.

The atmosphere crackles with unease, a palpable tension that hangs in the air like an impending storm. The remnants of Chan's powerful declaration linger, their words etched into the very essence of the grove, haunting the surroundings like a relentless echo in a cavern of secrets. Each syllable he uttered continues to reverberate through the collective consciousness of those left behind, like an indelible mark on their souls.

Minho and Hyunjin exchange anxious glances, their group's uncertainty mirroring the turbulent skies above. The grove, once a haven of mystic serenity, now seems fraught with hidden perils, its shadows concealing ancient mysteries that threaten to unravel at any moment.

In the wake of the seekers' departure, the grove stands as a theatre of unresolved destiny, where the weight of choice and consequence presses upon the hearts of those who remain. The silence becomes a symphony of unspoken fears and uncharted paths as Minho, Hyunjin, and their group grapple with the unsettling aftermath of Chan's revelation, their every step a precarious dance on the edge of a profound and enigmatic precipice.

Felix breaks the silence, his voice a mixture of awe and trepidation. "Chan!... he's not normal. He's like us-a superhuman."

Jisung's agreement is a whisper that carries the weight of realization. "Yeah, he's not just a regular human."

Hyunjin's gaze sharpens as he turns towards Minho, his eyes searching for answers. "You didn't tell me the whole story, did you?"

Minho's gaze meets Hyunjin's, and there is a mixture of guilt and resolve in his eyes. "I told you what I could, but there were things I couldn't reveal. Chan decided to share his true nature today."

A tense pause lingers before Minho continues, his voice weighted with gravity. "Now that he's shown his true self, let me tell you. Chan isn't just a superhuman like you all. He's a Demonic Prince, the son of a Demon Lord from the Demon World."

The revelation is met with a collective gasp from the group. The magnitude of the truth hangs in the air like a heavy fog, and their minds race to comprehend the implications of Chan's identity.

Hyunjin's voice is a mixture of shock and urgency. "A Demonic Prince? But how..."

Minho's tone is solemn as he imparts the unsettling truth. "I'll give you all the details later. Right now, our priority is to stop Chan from bringing back Sam."

The weight of the situation settles upon them, a sense of urgency propelling them forward. Their ties to each other, forged through countless trials, are now the foundation upon which they must build their plan.

Seungmin's voice carried a sense of urgency as he began to explain, "The amulet that Chan took is the very same one I read about with Jisung. It has the power to free Bella and her family from the clutches of the abandoned room. But remember, its magic can only be invoked once."

Minho's eyes gleamed with determination as he leaned forward, his voice steady: "I've got a plan. Hyunjin, you and Chan are on good terms. You'll call him near the abandoned room, telling him you want to help find Sam because you understand what he's going through and you know how to invoke the amulet's power. They don't know how to use the amulet, so Chan will say yes to you."

A hush fell over the room as Minho's words sank in. Minho continues, his tone resolute, "Once Chan is in position, Felix, Jisung, and I will strike. Seungmin will seize the amulet and perform the necessary ritual to free Bella."

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