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The next morning arrives with a renewed sense of purpose for Seungmin and Jisung. The sun paints the sky with hues of orange and pink as they prepare to embark on their journey to Seungmin's grandmother's house. After sharing a warm breakfast with his parents and catching up on family news, Seungmin gently informs them that he needs to return to his responsibilities at Terpsichore, the magical academy he attends. Jisung remains nestled in his pocket, hidden in the form of a mouse, to avoid any unnecessary attention. His parents bid him farewell with warm smiles, unaware of the secret quest that lay ahead.

Seungmin's heart races with anticipation as he walks down the familiar path leading away from his childhood home. Jisung, now in his human form, walks beside him, the breeze tousling his hair as they both share a sense of excitement and determination. Their footsteps seem to carry a rhythm of their own as they walk side by side, each step bringing them closer to the revelations they seek.

As they reach the outskirts of town, the urban landscape gradually gives way to the serene countryside. Rolling hills, swaying fields of wildflowers, and the distant silhouette of Seungmin's grandmother's house paint a picturesque scene. The air is filled with the scent of nature and the promise of discoveries.

Seungmin's footsteps quicken with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. His grandmother has always been a figure of wisdom and mystery in his family's stories, a keeper of traditions and secrets that have been passed down through generations. The note he discovered seems to promise answers, and he is determined to uncover the truths that have remained concealed for so long.

Upon reaching his grandmother's quaint cottage, Seungmin's heart skips a beat. The house holds an aura of timelessness, surrounded by a lush garden that seems to whisper ancient tales to anyone who cares to listen. Seungmin takes a deep breath and approaches the door, his hand trembling slightly as he raises it to knock.

The door swings open, revealing a figure that is a mixture of familiarity and enigma. Seungmin's grandmother stands before him, her eyes sparkling with wisdom that seems to transcend time itself. "Seungmin!" she greets, her voice a soothing melody. "It's been a while."

Seungmin manages a warm smile, feeling a surge of emotion as he looks into her eyes. "Grandma, I... I need your guidance. There are things I want to know about our family's history, about our magic."

His grandmother's gaze holds a mixture of pride and understanding. "I've been waiting for this moment, Seungmin. Come in, both of you."

Seungmin and Jisung enter the cosy cottage, and as the door closes behind them, they feel a sense of being cocooned in a space where the past and present converge. The room is adorned with heirlooms, artefacts, and ancient books that seem to hold the secrets of generations.

Seungmin hesitates, his words caught in his throat as he looks around the room. His grandmother's knowing smile reassures him, and he takes a deep breath. "Grandma, I found a note, a message from you. It spoke of unravelling our family's mysteries."

His grandmother nods, her eyes filled with a mixture of emotions. "You have come seeking answers, and I am here to provide them. Our family's magic is rooted in a legacy that goes back centuries. We possess abilities that are both wondrous and powerful, but with great power comes great responsibility."

Jisung listens intently, his heart racing with excitement as he absorbs every word. He glances at Seungmin, his eyes brimming with curiosity and determination, silently sharing in the quest ahead.

"Seungmin," his grandmother continues, "our magic is intertwined with the elements of nature, with the balance that exists between our world and the mystical realms. We are protectors, guardians of the delicate threads that hold the fabric of reality together."

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