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As the night descends, Chan and Hyunjin continue their journey toward the Enchanted Forest. A sense of anticipation thickens the air as the road snakes through the deserted area and the trees cast unsettling shadows. Hyunjin can't shake the feeling that they are venturing into the unknown, and it leaves a knot of unease in his stomach.

The clock on the dashboard reads midnight, and Hyunjin's unease grows into discomfort. Nausea twists in his gut, and he knows he has to speak up. "Chan," he says, his voice quivering with discomfort, "I'm not feeling well. Can we stop at the next petrol pump? I need a moment."

Chan, his eyes focused on the dimly lit road ahead, nods in understanding. "Of course, Hyunjin. We'll find a place to stop."

It isn't long before they spot a flickering neon sign indicating a nearby gasoline pump. Chan pulls into the station, and Hyunjin hurries out of the car, needing fresh air to quell the nausea.

As Hyunjin stands by the pump, taking slow, deep breaths to regain his composure, he can't shake the feeling that they are being watched. The surroundings and the distant hum of the highway amplify his unease.

Suddenly, the night is shattered by the sound of approaching footsteps. Two menacing figures emerge from the shadows, dressed in tattered clothing and carrying crude weapons. It is clear they are dacoits, and their intentions are far from friendly.

The menacing figure takes a step closer, his eyes filled with nefarious intent, and he reiterates his demand, "Surrender all your money if you want to get out of here in one piece."

Chan, who is not scared at all, maintains impressive composure. He gazes at the threatening figure and states resolutely, "Friend, believe me, you do not wish to go down this path. There's a solution to this predicament that doesn't involve violence."

The second man retorts with a disdainful sneer, "And what's your grand plan, huh?" He forcefully shoves Chan, his words oozing with arrogance. "Do you honestly think you can intimidate us? Do you have any idea who you're dealing with?" His fingers clamp down, cinching Chan's collar even tighter, while Hyunjin bolts towards them, racing to step in and defuse the volatile situation.

Before Hyunjin can intervene, Chan's rage flares, and he seizes the man by the neck in a vice-like grip. The stranglehold is so unyielding that the man gasps for air, his eyes wide with panic. Chan, channelling the demon within, tightens his grip to the brink of lethality.

As the man's vision darkens and his struggles become increasingly feeble, Hyunjin desperately grabs Chan's hand and tugs with all his might. "No, Chan, please!" Hyunjin implores, his voice trembling with fear and desperation. "You're better than this! We can find another way!"

Suddenly, as if awakening from a trance, Chan releases his grip on the man, and a profound sense of guilt washes over him. He gazes at both men and compels them with intense sincerity, "Leave this place and forget whatever happened here."

The men, breathing heavily, heed his words and flee from the scene. Chan then turns his back to Hyunjin, his hand trembling as it covers his face, struggling to process the overwhelming emotions that had gripped him.

Hyunjin, staring at Chan with a mixture of shock and concern, takes a step closer and asks, "Chan! What's happening to you? Are you okay?" The profound change in Chan's demeanour leaves Hyunjin deeply unsettled, as if a different force had momentarily taken hold of his friend.

As Hyunjin's concern deepens, Chan's voice undergoes a startling transformation, becoming deeper and more ominous. In a voice that sends shivers down Hyunjin's spine, Chan shouts, "Hyunjin, stay away!" His hands continue to cover his face, leaving only his eyes visible.

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