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Under Changbin's charismatic leadership, the group of friends has hatched an audacious plan to venture into the nearby forest at night. The thrill of adventure and the excitement of the unknown filled the air as they discussed the logistics in the canteen, carefully avoiding detection from the campus authorities.

As they gather in Hyunjin and Felix's dorm later that night, the sense of camaraderie and anticipation is palpable. Seungmin and Jeongin are filled with nervous excitement, while Jisung's mischievous grin hints at the thrill of breaking the rules. Felix, with his playful charm, keeps the mood lighthearted, while Hyunjin can't help but feel a mix of excitement and a hint of apprehension.

Changbin lays out the plan with precision, ensuring they move quietly and discreetly to avoid any unwanted attention. "Alright, everyone, remember to stay close and keep quiet. We don't want anyone to find out about our little adventure. Follow me, and we'll make our way through the shadows."

With Changbin leading the way, they sneak out of the dormitory, their hearts pounding with exhilaration. The moon casts a soft glow on the path before them, guiding their steps deeper into the forest. The rustling leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl create an ambience of mystery and enchantment.

As they delve further into the forest, they find themselves immersed in nature's embrace. The canopy of trees above them creates a magical maze where moonbeams trickle through the leaves, casting dancing patterns on the forest floor.

Hyunjin can't help but feel a sense of liberation and wonder in this secret escapade. The familiar bonds between the group of friends are strengthened, and he finds himself sharing laughter and stories under the watchful gaze of the moon and stars.

Changbin's natural charisma and adventurous spirit keep everyone engaged as he regales them with funny anecdotes and ghost stories, adding a touch of suspense to their nocturnal adventure.

As they sit in a cosy circle, their faces illuminated by the flickering glow of a small campfire they carefully built, Seungmin suggests, "Let's share our dreams and aspirations. What brought each of us to The Terpsichore, and what do we hope to achieve?"

One by one, they take turns sharing their stories, their voices filled with passion and determination. Hyunjin speaks from the heart about his love for dance and how he dreams of creating performances that touch people's souls. He expresses his desire to grow as an artist and inspire others through his craft.

Felix shares his dreams of becoming a choreographer and creating groundbreaking dance routines that challenge norms.

Jeongin talks about his vision of fusing different dance styles to create something truly unique, while Seungmin opens up about his aspiration to become a dance educator and mentor young talents.

Jisung surprises everyone when he reveals that he's secretly been working on a dance project that combines contemporary dance with elements of hip-hop and street style. "I've been keeping it under wraps, but I think it's time to share it with you guys. I hope you'll like it."

Changbin, with a twinkle in his eye, says, "As for me, I want to keep creating unforgettable memories with all of you. Whether it's dancing under the moonlight or pulling off crazy adventures like tonight, I cherish every moment we spend together."

As they all engage in sharing their dreams and aspirations, their conversation is suddenly interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. A shiver of fear runs down their spines, and the group falls silent, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and curiosity. The rustling of leaves and the distant hooting of an owl add to the eerie ambiance. They strain their ears, trying to discern any hint of who might be lurking in the darkness.

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