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As the contemporary class comes to an end, Hyunjin and Felix decide to take a break and head to the bustling canteen. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the melodious chatter of students fill the air, creating an inviting atmosphere within the cosy space. As they settle into their seats, their attention is drawn to the captivating performance of two boys seated nearby. One of them plays the guitar with effortless finesse, while the other's voice dances through the air like honey, enchanting all who listen.

The guitarist is a sight to behold with his youthful charm and handsome features. His tall and slender frame gives him an elegant presence, and his long fingers skillfully dance across the strings of the guitar. When he smiles, two adorable dimples appear on his cheeks, adding an extra dose of cuteness to his already endearing countenance. His warm and expressive eyes twinkle with a hint of mischief, hinting at the playful spirit that lies within him. With his tousled hair and carefree aura, he possesses a boyish charm that easily captivates those around him.

On the other hand, the singer exudes a sense of calmness and composure that is instantly noticeable. His serene and composed demeanour gives him an air of maturity beyond his years. With a modest smile that reflects his gentle nature, the singer's good looks are understated yet captivating. His eyes carry a depth of wisdom that seems to hold stories untold, and his refined features add to his understated elegance. With every movement, he exudes grace and poise, making him a calming presence amidst the bustling energy of The Terpsichore.

Hyunjin and Felix exchange fascinated glances, their curiosity piqued by the duo's musical prowess. After the last chord fades away, Felix can't resist complimenting the talented pair.

"Jeongin, you're looking cool with that guitar," Felix says with a playful wink. "And Seungmin, your voice always manages to soothe the soul, as if it were made of pure honey."

Jeongin, the guitarist, grins at the praise, while Seungmin, the singer, thanks him with a modest nod. Spotting Felix and Hyunjin's interest, they join the duo at their table, a sense of camaraderie forming instantly.

"Felix, who is your new friend?" Seungmin asks, curiosity twinkling in his eyes.

Felix introduces Hyunjin with a playful grin. "This is Hyunjin, my roommate and an incredibly talented contemporary dancer. Hyunjin, meet Jeongin and Seungmin, both from the modern dance dorm."

Hyunjin extends his hand with a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you both. Your performance was incredible. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Jeongin and Seungmin shake his hand warmly, already feeling a connection with their new acquaintance. "Likewise, Hyunjin. We're glad you enjoyed our little jam session," Jeongin says, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

As they chat, the canteen reveals itself to be a vibrant hub of artistic expression and camaraderie. The walls adorned with colourful paintings and murals, each depicting moments of dance and creativity, add to the lively ambience. The clinking of cutlery and the laughter of friends blend harmoniously with the soft background music, creating a welcoming space for students to unwind and share their passion for the arts. In the company of new friends, Hyunjin feels a sense of belonging that only deepens his love for The Terpsichore.

As the laughter continues to fill the air, Felix leans in and asks Seungmin about their missing friends, Jisung and Changbin. "Hey, where are those troublemakers hiding? I haven't seen them around."

Seungmin chuckles, shaking his head. "Oh, they're probably still on terrace duty. You know how mischievous they can get. They must have done something to end up with that punishment."

Felix grins mischievously, eager to share the stories with Hyunjin. "You have to meet them, Hyunjin. Jisung and Changbin are quite the characters. They are the seniors from the hip-hop dance dorm, one year ahead of us. But don't let their seniority fool you; they're just big kids at heart."

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