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Arriving at Hyunjin's house, the palpable fear and anxiety in Hyunjin's eyes hang over him like a dark cloud. He carries with him an unshakable dread, haunted by the looming prospect of uncovering a truth he may not be ready to confront—the possibility that he might discover he is adopted and that the parents who raised him may not be his biological family.

Sensing Hyunjin's deep distress, Chan responds with extraordinary tenderness. He reaches for Hyunjin's hand, his touch a reassuring anchor in the midst of an emotional storm. With a gaze that delves into the very core of Hyunjin's being, Chan begins to speak.

"Hyunjin," Chan's voice resonates with a comforting and empathetic cadence, "I understand that this is an immensely challenging moment for you. Please try not to fret. I'm here by your side, and even if they're not your biological parents, always remember that they've nurtured you with love and care. They have, in countless ways, been your parents. So, there's no need to fear. Let's proceed inside."

Hyunjin, still bearing the weight of his apprehension, manages a determined nod, summoning every ounce of courage he can muster. As he knocks on the door, the anticipation hangs in the air, heavy and almost suffocating. And then, as the door swings open, his father's face lights up with a radiant smile, offering a glimpse of warmth and comfort amid Hyunjin's turbulent emotions.

"Hyunjinie!" his father exclaims with genuine warmth, his eyes filled with affection. "You're here, my beloved son. Come inside." With a gesture, he holds the door wide open, welcoming Hyunjin and Chan into the sanctuary of their home, which now seems to glow with the promise of understanding and acceptance.

Hyunjin enters the familiar embrace of his family home, the place where countless memories have been made. As he steps over the threshold, the tension in his shoulders begins to ease, replaced by a mixture of emotions. His mother, noticing his presence, emerges from the depths of the house. Her eyes, too, light up at the sight of her son.

"Hyunjin, my dear," she says, her voice tinged with love and concern. "You've come home. We've been waiting for you."

Hyunjin, still holding onto Chan's hand, is moved by the warmth and sincerity in his parents' voices. It's a stark reminder of the love and care that have defined his life. Despite the lingering fear and curiosity about his biological origins, he can't deny the powerful bond he shares with his family, the people who have raised him and supported him throughout his journey.

In the presence of his parents' unwavering love, Hyunjin begins to understand that no matter the outcome of the impending revelation, the family he has known and cherished will remain an integral part of his life. The search for the truth, while daunting, is also an exploration of identity and the deep connections that define one's sense of self.

Hyunjin's father, intrigued by the connection between Hyunjin and Chan, gestures towards Chan and inquires, "You didn't introduce him?"

Hyunjin, who has maintained a firm grip on Chan's hand since they arrived and hasn't spoken, comprehends the question. He releases Chan's hand and faces his parents, explaining, "Yes, he's my friend."

His demeanor takes on a more solemn tone as he continues, "Mom, Dad, I've come here to have a crucial conversation about my life. I'm asking for your honesty."

Sensing the tension in Hyunjin's voice, his mother expresses her concern, saying, "What's the matter, my child? You've just arrived. Please sit down, have a meal, and then we can discuss it."

Hyunjin persists, "No, Mom, please. Both of you, take a seat here," pointing to the sofa.

He and Chan sit down, and his parents also settle in. Hyunjin then addresses them, "This is of great significance to me. Let's start with the conversation, and we can consider everything else afterwards."

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