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Hyunjin absorbs Minho's tale; his gaze is unbroken as he processes the intricate web of emotions and secrets that has defined Minho's life. The moon's gentle glow seems to envelop them both, as if embracing their shared journey through the depths of truth and revelation.

"Minho," Hyunjin's voice is soft yet brimming with empathy, "what you've shared is incredibly heavy. I can't imagine the burden you've carried all these years. The complexity of your emotions, the choices you've had to make – it's all so overwhelming."

Minho's gaze meets Hyunjin's, and there is a mixture of gratitude and understanding in his eyes.

"Do you still want to have feelings for me?" Minho's voice trembles with vulnerability, his gaze earnestly probing Hyunjin's eyes for any sign of uncertainty. "Even after learning the depths of my reality? I shall remain untouched by mortality, untouched by the passage of time."

As Minho's vulnerability hangs in the air, his searching gaze locks with Hyunjin's, and the silence between them is pregnant with unspoken questions and desires. The moonlight weaves a tapestry of light and shadow around them, reflecting the intricate complexity of their emotions. Then, as if driven by a gentle yet unyielding force, Hyunjin releases a soft exhale, his demeanour softening, and a flicker of determination kindles within him.

With a tenderness that speaks of unspoken understanding, Hyunjin's hands find their place on Minho's shoulders, his touch a soothing balm that bridges the space between them. A surge of courage propels him forward, and he leans in, his lips meeting Minho's in a delicate union. It's a kiss that transcends mere physical contact, a merging of emotions that exist in the shared space between their mouths – a mingling of longing, comprehension, and the tacit commitment to walk a common path.

Minho's heart quickens, a torrent of emotions flooding him with each beat. Time appears to stand still, the universe holding its breath as it remains suspended in a moment that feels both ordained and earned, a culmination of their intertwined experiences. When Hyunjin eventually draws back, their eyes remain locked, an unbroken connection that speaks volumes without words.

Hyunjin's voice resonates with newfound clarity, every syllable carrying the weight of truth. "Do you still harbour doubt about my feelings? I find myself drawn to you, and there's even a chance that I've fallen in love with you. I yearn to be by your side, Minho. No longer do I wish to suppress or obscure these emotions. I'm placing my trust in you. Can you place your trust in me?"

In the embrace of the moonlight, Minho's heart races, a symphony of sensations playing within him. Their gazes lock, an intricate dance of vulnerability and courage unfolding in the delicate space between them.

A gentle smile graces Minho's lips as he reaches out, his fingertips brushing against Hyunjin's cheek in a tender caress that speaks of unspoken depths. "Hyunjin," he murmurs, his voice a tender whisper, "I've spent countless ages shielding my heart, finding refuge from the scars of my past. Yet here, at this moment, I glimpse the prospect of a future where those trials need not be faced alone."

From Hyunjin's cheek, Minho's touch ventures downward, his fingers entwining with Hyunjin's hand. Their hands clasp, a tactile affirmation of their bond; the warmth shared between them becomes an unbreakable lifeline. "Your openness, your sincerity," Minho continues, his words a cascade of emotion, "they have illuminated a realm of authenticity, a beauty that defies description. And yes, I trust you."

Enveloped by the moon's tender radiance, Minho and Hyunjin stand united, their intertwined hands symbolizing a union that transcends time and space. Beneath the moon's benevolent gaze, two souls find solace, empathy, and a love that transcends all boundaries. In this tranquil embrace of moonlight, they kindle a flame that will forever burn, a testament to the enduring power of love.

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