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The morning sun bathes the Terpsichore dance academy in a warm, golden glow, and the academy's corridors hum with the soft echoes of dancers' footsteps. Emerging from his contemporary dance class with Felix, Hyunjin feels a fire burning within him, urging him to uncover the mystery surrounding Sam and the abandoned room.

"Hey, Felix," Hyunjin says, his voice tinged with nervous anticipation, "I need to talk to Minho about Sam. You remember, right?"

Felix nods, his expression understanding. "Of course, Hyunjin. I'll give you some space. Just let me know if you need anything."

Grateful for Felix's support, Hyunjin watches his friend walk away before taking a deep breath to steady himself. He knows this conversation with Minho is essential, and he needs to gather his thoughts before meeting him.

With determination in his stride, Hyunjin makes his way towards the dance hall, a place where Minho and Chan often practice their dance moves. As he approaches, he can hear the faint sounds of music drifting through the closed door. Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, he knocks softly.

To his surprise, it is Chan who opens the door, his face breaking into a bright smile at the sight of Hyunjin.

"Hey, Hyunjin! What brings you here?" Chan greets, his cheerful demeanour infectious as always.

Hyunjin returns the smile, feeling at ease in Chan's presence. "Hey, Chan! I was looking for Minho, but it's good to see you too."

Chan chuckles, teasingly nudging Hyunjin's arm. "Oh, I see how it is. You only want to see Minho, huh? Am I not interesting enough for you?"

Hyunjin playfully rolls his eyes and says, "Oh, come on, Chan! You know you're always interesting, but this is kind of important."

Chan raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "Important, huh? What's going on?"

Hyunjin smiles warmly at Chan's curiosity, appreciating his friend's genuine interest in the mysterious occurrences. However, he decides it's best not to share everything with Chan, especially since he wants to keep the details about Sam and the abandoned room to themselves for now.

"Well, it's just something related to some personal stuff," Hyunjin explains, not wanting to reveal too much. "I promise I'll tell you all about it later, but right now, I really need to talk to Minho."

Chan nods understandingly, not pressing for more information. "No worries, Hyunjin. I get it. It's cool. You go talk to Minho. He is at the backside garden, and we can catch up later."

Hyunjin appreciates Chan's understanding and nods gratefully. "Thanks, Chan. You're the best. I'll see you soon."

With that, he bids his friend goodbye and makes his way towards the backside garden where Minho was last seen.

Chan watches Hyunjin as he leaves the room, the door closing softly behind him. Curiosity gnaws at Chan's mind, and he can't help but wonder what that "personal thing" is between Hyunjin and Minho. He wonders why Hyunjin seemed so eager to talk to Minho, someone who wasn't even a friend.

Arriving at the garden, Hyunjin finds Minho still sitting near the old fountain, lost in thought. With a mixture of nervousness and determination, Hyunjin approaches Minho. He's well aware that his bond with Minho is far from strong, as Minho has often acted rudely towards him in the past, and the truth is told, Hyunjin doesn't particularly enjoy Minho's behaviour. However, this time, it's not about their personal feelings but about something greater than themselves.

For the sake of Seungmin, Jisung, and the mysterious spirit named Bella, Hyunjin is willing to put aside any personal grievances and focus on the larger quest at hand. He knows that uncovering the truth about Sam is crucial to finding the answers they seek and bringing peace to the trapped spirits. And so, with a deep breath to steady his nerves, he decides to put on a brave face and approach Minho.

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