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The sun begins its descent, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink as the day slowly gives way to the approaching night. In the dimly lit dormitory, Jisung lies on his bed, watching Changbin with a mix of curiosity and concern. Changbin is methodically preparing his bag, arranging various tools and equipment he needs for their planned gathering in front of the abandoned room.

"Are you sure about this, Changbin?" Jisung asks, voicing his worries. "Isn't it risky to catch spirits tonight? I mean, the other guys will be there too. They might discover our secret."

Changbin looks up, his eyes determined yet understanding of Jisung's apprehension. "I know it sounds risky, Jisung, but we need to do this. Terpsichore is a hotspot for spirits, and tonight might be the best chance we have to catch those deadly spirits. We are here for a purpose, and we need to fulfil that."

Jisung bites his lip, and his unease is evident. "But what if something goes wrong?"

"We're prepared for this, Jisung," Changbin assures him. "We've been researching and practising, and we have each other's backs. Besides, you'll be there to distract the boys with your powers while I handle the capture. It's a foolproof plan."

Jisung lets out a sigh, feeling a mixture of fear and excitement. He trusts Changbin and knows he is skilled in dealing with the supernatural, but the eerie nature of their mission still sends shivers down his spine.

"All right," Jisung finally relents, giving Changbin a small smile. "Let's do this. But promise me, if things get too dangerous, we'll leave immediately, okay?"

Changbin nods solemnly. "I promise. Our safety comes first."

As the evening sky transitions into a canvas of twilight hues, the group of friends, led by Hyunjin's unwavering determination, gathers in front of the ominous abandoned room. The air is charged with a mix of curiosity and trepidation, their hearts pounding with anticipation as they prepare to uncover the truth behind the haunting voices that have plagued their thoughts.

Hyunjin stands at the forefront, his hand firmly on the doorknob, his eyes resolute. Beside him, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin, Jisung, and Changbin exchange nervous glances but stand united in their quest for answers. Each one of them knows that they cannot turn back now – they must face the unknown and confront the shadows that have cast a pall over their peaceful existence.

Taking a deep breath, Hyunjin slowly turns the knob, and the rusty door creaks open, revealing the dilapidated interior of the long-abandoned room. Dust particles dance in the air like forgotten memories as they cautiously step inside, the sound of their footsteps echoing eerily in the silence.

The moon's soft glow seeps through the broken windows, illuminating the room with an ethereal light. It's as if the room itself is hesitant to reveal its secrets, holding onto the echoes of its past with a ghostly grip.

Hyunjin raises his flashlight, its beam cutting through the darkness, and they begin to explore. The walls are adorned with faded paintings and old photographs, and cobwebs stretch like intricate veils across forgotten corners.

As they delve deeper, a shiver runs down Felix's spine, and he clutches his camera tighter, ready to document whatever they may encounter.

As the group explores the abandoned room, they realize that, contrary to their expectations, there are no haunting voices or supernatural presences to be found. The room feels surprisingly normal, with only the faint echoes of their footsteps breaking the silence.

Felix looks disappointed as he lowers his camera, having expected to capture evidence of the paranormal. "I think there's nothing in here," he murmurs, shaking his head in disbelief.

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