40. turn off the cameras

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"Sapnap," Dream says, butting into the room without knocking, the door bumping into the wall. 

The man in question jolts, and he slips his headphones down his neck. "Dude, what the fuck," he mutters. "What if I was naked? Or jerking off?"

Dream gives him a look as he walks further in. "Nothing I haven't seen before," he jokes.

Sapnap gives him a deadpan glare. 

"Anyways," Dream says, sitting on the edge of Sapnap's bed. "I need your opinion." Sapnap pushes away from his desk, his chair rolling smoothly towards his friend, his phone held out in front of him. 

"On what?" he asks. 

Dream hands him his phone. "I've been working on a new song, but I'm not sure how good it is since I wrote it mostly alone," he mutters. "I'm scared to show it to an actual songwriter, but you really like music so I was hoping for your opinion."

Sapnap hums as he takes the phone, eyes dropping to read the words on the screen. "You could've asked George too, y'know," he says. "We both like music."

"That's the thing," Dream says softly, rubbing his eyebrow. "Um, it's about him."

"Oh," Sapnap breathes as he reads the words. 

Dream looks away as Sapnap reads, worrying his lower lip between his teeth. He's had this song written for the past few weeks, but he's leaving for LA tomorrow to record some more and needs this song done. He should've shown it to someone else sooner but George has disappeared so he finally decided to do it

It's not like it's that big a deal. Sapnap has known since before he did that he liked George. 

But then again, he just wrote a song basically confessing to George directly. 

Several, actually. He hopes some of them never see the light of day. 

"Dream," Sapnap says a minute later. He lifts his gaze, jaw slack. "That's amazing."

"You're not just saying that?" Dream mumbles.

"No," Sapnap says earnestly. "He'll love it. When are you gonna tell him?"

Dream frowns as he takes back his phone. "Tell him what?"

Sapnap narrows his eyes. "You've written, like, 5 songs about him now," he says. "Does he know about any of them?"

Dream nods. "He's listened to Paranoid and Trust Issues," he says, "but I don't want to show him this one."

"He'll hear it at some point," Sapnap points out. 

"I'm hoping it's not soon," Dream mutters. "I can't deal with that yet."

Sapnap sighs, reaching a hand out to grasp gently as Dream's shoulder. "I get it," he says. "The others seemed more subtle; this is direct."

Dream nods. "That wasn't supposed to be the point, but it just kind of happened."

"I won't tell him about it," Sapnap promises, scooting back towards the desk. 

"Thanks," Dream says quietly. "I'm gonna go pack. You sure you don't wanna come?"

Sapnap groans, falling into his chair. "Dude, we've been in LA, like, eight times the past three months," he whines. "I'm sorry, but I'm getting sick of it. George will always go where you go, though."

Dream frowns, but leaves wordlessly.


But it's true. The next day, he and George leave for the airport, headed straight to LA. George sleeps almost the entire time, and they go to the studio right after landing. George finds a bench and knocks himself right out. Dream takes that time to bring up the song with his producers. 

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