39. oblivious

941 21 47

Domestic AU
This is a part 2 to my oneshot "when the storm comes" requested by NaturalBlueAwsten
So Dream and George are kind of together now. After wrangling Patches out of the basement and after Sapnap comes home, they act as normally as they can, but their normal has always been... sus, for lack of a better word. They give it a week, but Sapnap is too used to their antics to even notice. [fluff]

"I heard there was a huge storm and I fucking missed it," Sapnap mutters, tossing his duffel bag on the floor as he storms into the house. Dream looks up from his laptop, Patches purring beside him, curled up while half asleep. 

"You heard it all the way from North Carolina?" George asks sarcastically. He's laying on their only sofa chair, head on the arm rest while his feet hang over the other one, phone in hand. He doesn't even bother looking up. 

Dream giggles and Patches cracks an eye open to give him a look that says "you dare disturb me?" He returns it, but she goes right back to sleep.

Sapnap collapses onto the couch a few feet away from Dream, sighing heavily. "We've waited weeks for it to rain, and the one week I decide to leave," he complains, "it storms." He turns to Dream, sticking out a lip in a pout. "How was it? Was it amazing? Was it beautiful?"

Dream giggles. The images come in flashes; George curled into his side, flinching at every loud clap; the house suddenly going dark as lighting hit a powerline; cuddling so close to George the entire time; every little action or word George did or said that make him get so incredibly flustered, which only made George continue doing and saying; and then finally, finally, being able to kiss him. 

"We play it out for one week."

"The power went out," Dream says. 

Sapnap's jaw falls slack. "Are you fucking kidding?" he says. It sounds more jealous than worried. "That's so unfair. And really cool."

George scoffs. "It was not cool," he mutters. "I was terrified."

"Because you're a pussy," Sapnap says. "Imagine still being scared of thunder at 26."

George throws a pillow at him from across the room. When he misses, he smiles sweetly at Dream. "Would you be a dear and hit him over the head for me?" he asks. 

Dream grabs the same pillow and does as directed. Sapnap shrieks, pulling himself into a ball to better protect himself. "Dude!" he cries.

"It woke me of all people up," George says, pulling his phone back out. "And I fell asleep with the sun right in my face."

Sapnap moves his lips like he's making fun of George, crossing his arms over his chest as he unfurls himself from a ball. He kicks his legs out and frowns at Dream. "What else?" he says. "Something cool had to have happened."

He presses a kiss to the top of George's head, and the brunet stretches his neck at look up at him, grinning. "Try again," George murmurs, the hand on Dream's back moving up to the nape of his neck.

"It rained," Dream deadpans, turning back to his work. It's killing him to keep this from Sapnap, especially since he was the first person Dream told about... well, anything. Both George related and in every part of his life. They've been best friends half their lives. 

Sapnap huffs. "I should've stayed with Karl," he mutters, standing up. "Y'all are no fun." 

He grabs his duffel bag as he passes to the stairs, stomping up unnecessarily loud. Dream watches him go, frowning. George starts to giggle the second his door closes upstairs. 

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