1. dandelions

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Singer AU
George and Dream were a famous singing duo, set to get married, until Dream disappeared out of nowhere. Then George's new band goes to America for tour, and the heartbroken lovers reconcile. [fluff, angst]

"George! C'mon, we're due onstage!" 

He glanced up. Dream stood in the doorway of the greenroom, smiling. He held out a hand. George jumped up and grabbed it, looping their fingers together. 

"You ready?" Dream asked. 

"Ready as I'll ever be," George replied nervously. Dream pressed a quick kiss to George's temple. 

"You'll do great, love." He smiled. George returned it. 

"Dandelions first, right?" he asked, fidgeting with his free hand. Dream smiled bigger. 

"Marcy first. Then Dandelions." He sighed and stepped in front of George, grabbing his other hand. "George. Look at me." He did. "You'll do amazing, okay? I know that you're nervous, I am too, but this is our chance to hit it big. Just pretend we're back in our treehouse, alright? Just me and the guys watching."

George took a deep breath and nodded. Dream drew him in for a quick kiss. "Let's go blow their minds."


But that was six years ago.

The two of them did blow minds, and they were spiraled into English fame. But just before they hit really big, their group grew. They became Band Not Found, in honour of George's gamer tag. It fit, since he was the lead singer. 

But as the group got more and more attention, Dream missed when it was just him and George. He didn't like the way the group was growing. So he left. 

George didn't know where he went. All he knew was that his fiancé left, leaving just a note and his ring. He didn't leave his room for three weeks. 

But Wilbur, his best friend and bandmate, told him that if Dream left, George didn't deserve him. Despite the fact that George believed this, his heart still ached. Dream could never be replaced. 

But it's not the time for memories. Band Not Found is going on tour.


[George's POV] 


"I said we've been signed on to a tour deal in America!" Wilbur repeats excitedly. The room errupts into madness. Tommy is yelling something about Americans, Tubbo is trying to calm him down, Jack is shaking my shoulder.


"Jesus, Jack, what do you want?" I ask. He smiles widely.

"We're going to America!" 

"Wow, really?" I say sarcastically. I've been in a foul mood all week. Dream left 3 years ago yesterday. The band knows this, and usually tries not to piss me off. But they've been particularly annoying this week.  

"Aren't you excited?" he asks, gentler this time.

I'm thrilled. Really, I am. But America reminds me of him. He wasn't born here, but moved here when he was 8. Apparently he was originally from Florida. 

"Yeah," I say quietly. 

"When does the tour start?" Tubbo asks, almost sitting on top of Tommy to get him to shut up. 

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