27. not just a memory

887 15 16

Childhood AU
This is a part two to my oneshot "Memories," requested by @Watermark1234 
After his discovery, George moves to Florida to live with his best friends. But for the duration of the flight, he has to wrap his head around the fact that he's been best friends with his childhood best friend for years. And it's a little more than awkward when George finally lands. [fluffy friendship]

Pages flip, one after the other. George eats up picture after picture, and the more he looks at the shaggy blond hair and the mischevious green eyes, the more he sees his best friend in the photos. 

The green braided string strains against his larger wrist. He isn't sure why he's put it on, especially considering the bracelet itself is worn and breaking. But something about knowing it's point of origin keeps it on him.

His phone buzzes loudly. A check-in text from Sapnap. He stands, carefully wrapping the book in bubble wrap, and gently places it on top of the others. He then seals the box, and moves on to another.


As the plane steadies itself, George's mind shifts from the flight to his newfound knowledge. He has nine hours to think about it. 

He doesn't really understand it. He doesn't really have a firm grasp on the concept. 

Dream... is the boy he met 16 years ago... in a goddamn summer camp.

What are the chances they would meet again, over fucking Minecraft?

George assumes they're pretty slim.

The more he thinks about it, the more he remembers. Playing American football with other kids at the camp; bunking with other boys his age; making the bracelets with Dream. His fingers subconciously drift to the string on his wrist, ghosting the hastily-made braid. 

He remembers singing American camp songs around a fire and roasting marshmallows, canoeing, making picture frames and capturing frogs. Dream named one of the frogs Beckerson, and then one of the bigger boys in camp grabbed the frog and threw him back into the lake. Dream cried. 

George watches the clouds change colors as the sun sets, illuminating them in every color in the rainbow. He pulls out his phone and snaps a quick picture, trying his best to avoid all the grime on the window.

He settles back into his seat, nodding along to the beat of the music in his ears. His memory returns to the carefully-packed photo album containing everything he needs to tell Dream they've met before.

16 years...

George can still barely wrap his head around it. He isn't sure how Dream will be able to. All he knows is that Sapnap will be furious. 


When George awakes, he's descending from the sky, 10 minutes away from landing on Floridian soil. He gulps, fiddling with the tight green string on his wrist. 

What if Dream won't remember? It was 16 years ago after all. George is surprised even he remembered. Dream was six years old -- how likely is it he'll remember sixteen years ago?

George sighs. It'll be fine, he thinks. Dream will remember. He has to.

The plane bumps as it lands. George is quick to step off the plane, and hurriedly follows the crowd towards the baggage claim. He waits 18 minutes for his bags, and piles them on to the trolley he found. He pushes them towards the "lobby," where loved ones reconcile. 

He carefully weaves through the crowd, trying to avoid everyone best he can. He approaches the room, searching for the familiar blond and the shorter brunet. But when he can't find them, he pulls out his phone to text them. 

George: dudes

George: did u assholes forget about me

Dream: wdym

Dream: youre not due for another three weeks

George frowns at his phone. Wait... He didn't get the days wrong, did he?

He pulls up the calendar on his phone. No, he didn't. Either Dream fucking forgot -- which doesn't give George much hope for the whole sixteen-years thing -- or he's playing a big ol' joke.



George: how did you manage to get a singluar letter in lowercase?

Suddenly, large arms are thrown around his shoulders, capturing him in a massive bear hug. Sapnap appears in front of him, trapping him in the middle. 

"Gogy!" he cries, squeezing harder. 

"Jesus," George exclaims. "You think you'd let me breathe for my first five minutes in the US!"

The hug is loosened as Dream begins to laugh. He smiles and turns around, the face in the pages of the album doubled over in a wheeze. 

"Nice to see you too, losers."


Life is good. George thinks that. 

He's been in Florida a day, and he's started moving in. He hung everything up on his walls and lined his trophies and MCC coins against a wooden shelf nailed to the wall. So far, his new room is looking pretty good. He's just waiting on majority of his clothes and his Ultimate Streamer Set-up -- however, Dream has promised to get him new things if they don't show.

Speaking of Dream, George has decided to spill the beans. While Sapnap is out going shopping, Dream and George are left alone, sitting on the couch, watching a movie. George eyes the box containing the album, debating. Pondering. 

Pondering. What a dumb word, he thinks. 

Abruptly, he stands and walks over to the box. "Dream," he says, pulling out the album. The movie is paused.


"I'm going to show you something now, but you're not allowed to freak out."

He turns around and hands his friend the blue book. Dream takes it, frowing curiously. As he turns the pages, his smile grows bigger. George fiddles with his fingers nervously.

"Cute kids," he says, handing it back. George stares at him in disbelief. 

"You know who that is, right?" he asks, shocked.

Dream chuckles. "George, buddy," he says, sitting up. "I've known for years."

Word Count 965



and yes that is all you get no part threes im sorry i have better stuff coming. 


and, YES, this two part oneshot was just them as FRIENDS, nothing more, however, its certaintly debatable after that test result dream got in that podcast. 

IM SO SORRY FOR BEING AWAY FOR SO LONG btw. hashtag no inspiration check

no i did not just SAY hashtag.

k i gotta go to bed im so TIRED


song that reminds me of this oneshot: Memory by Kane Brown x blackbear

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