37. when the storm comes

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Domestic AU
It's been raining recently so this is domestic dnf in the middle of a storm because i love them. [fluff]


"Dream," George whispers into the phone call.

"Hey," Dream says. "What's wrong? Isn't it like 4 am for you?"

George huffs, ignoring his question. "Can I admit something?" he asks.

Dream frowns. "Of course."

"You can't make fun of me though."


There's some shuffling noises and a loud sound that is either fireworks or thunder. Dream decides it's thunder, since George lives in an area where fireworks are banned.

"It's been raining all day, but it started properly storming a few hours ago," George says quietly. "And my family is sleeping so I'm whispering. But I'm terrified of thunder."

Dream grins. "Why would I make fun of you for that?" he asks. "Plenty of people are afraid."

"Okay, but I'm 21, I should've outgrown it by now."

"I'm 19 and I'm still scared of heights," Dream offers.

George scoffs. "Yes, but that's rational," he argues. "My dad is terrified of them too. I don't know anyone over the age of 13 who hates thunder."

Dream grins. "I'm sure there are people," he says.

He doesn't see it, but with the pause, he knows George is frowning. "I've never met 'em."

Dream giggles. "Do you want to stay on call?"

There's another pause until George says, quietly, "yes please."


It's raining. It's been hot and dry in Florida for weeks, and Dream has heard nothing but complaint from his two roommates. He can see why George is complaining; the UK is cold and damp. But Sapnap grew up in Texas and had similar temperatures. But he doesn't tell him to shut up because he wants to be complaining too.

But now it's raining. Of course it's the week Sapnap decided he would try to escape the heat and fly to North Carolina.

It starts soft, as George and Dream are in separate rooms doing whatever they feel like. Dream is in his room editing, and George gave up 10 minutes in to go take a nap on the couch with Patches instead. Small pitter patters on the windows, the clouds light grey with some sunlight still falling through them.

Dream glances up from his monitor, out the window. Raindrops land against his window noiselessly through his headphones, trickling down the glass until they reach the windowpane. He smiles and turns off his PC, leaving his headphones on his desk as he leaves the room. 

As he reaches the main floor, the clouds have gotten darker, and the rain has become a bit louder. He begins to call for George, but his gaze falls on the brunet, laying on the couch with the cat curled up on his chest, moving with the rise and fall of his breathing. They both look so peaceful, but Dream's breath hitches simply from the way George looks while sleeping. Sure, George has fallen asleep several times in the middle of the day -- once in a direct beam of sunlight, once next to him on the drive home -- and he's looked calm then. But now... he looks beautiful. 

He moves closer, pulling out his phone from his sweatpants pocket. He takes a few pictures of them before sitting down on the opposite side of the couch. He looks through them all before settling on a favourite and setting it as his lockscreen. Already he knows how much Sapnap will make fun of him for it when he gets back. 

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