38. watching you fall

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Not a real AU AU
George is going to London again. And Dream is coming. Sapnap gave some weak excuse, but really just wanted to leave them alone so maybe they'd finally get their shit together and fuck or something. So Dream and George are in London, seeing all of the famous landmarks, including George's old flat and his childhood home. All while Dream is still trying to get his mind around the fact that he's seeing everything George has seen for years, places he's been while talking to Dream. And meeting his parents? [fluff]

CW// alcohol consumption, mention of dry heaving

"Dude, it's London," Dream says, following Sapnap around the hotel room like a sad dog. 

"Yes, I've been," Sapnap says, carefully packing away the gifts he received during TwitchCon. "I don't really feel like going this time."

Dream groans. "Nick, c'mon," he says. "George is really looking forward to this. He's going to take us to his old house, where we first became friends!"

Sapnap hums boredly. "And I'm sure you won't be able to shut up about it after you go," he says, turning to face his friend with his arms crossed over his chest. "Dream, I know you. You'll call me once you get back to the hotel or George's old house or wherever y'all are staying, and you'll be like 'OMG, Nick, I saw his old bed with that stupid striped blanket where he stood with my hoodie on and I just died'." He gives Dream deadpan stare before turning back around. "Mark my words."

Dream huffs. "Okay, first of all, that is not what I sound like," he says. "Secondly, I wouldn't do that."

"Totally would," Sapnap argues, closing his suitcase and zipping it shut. "You'll be texting me the entire time and get me to work you through your mental breakdown because you're in the house he was in when you fell in love with him." He jabs Dream's chest, right above his heart. "Don't think I'll be missing any of it. You won't be able to stop talking that when you finally crumble from oxygen deprivation, I'll basically be able to see it in my own head."

"Now you're just spreading lies," Dream mutters.

Sapnap scoffs. "Trust me, it'll happen," he says. He sets the suitcase on the ground and wheels it over to the door. "Also, Karl wants me to go back with him, so I've changed my flight to tomorrow morning to North Carolina instead of Florida."

"At what time?" Dream asks. He doesn't get mad at Sapnap for going with Karl. He already suspected he would, since no one wants to be left alone in their house for a week. He's done it several times, and the fandom started to enjoy anytime Sapnap would go to North Carolina alone because it meant Dream would "go feral" and proceed to leak more about himself. He thought it was funny.

"Uh, I think the flight leaves at noon?" Sapnap mutters. "So I have to be there by nine, which means Karl and I leave at 8."

Dream huffs. "Okay," he says. "You're gonna owe George, though, you know that, right?"

"Yeah, yeah," Sapnap huffs, falling back into his bed. "I'll make it up to him by not rubbing it in that you guys fu-"

The lock clicks and George pushes the door open, waving as Shadoune disappears down the hall. "Hey guys," he says, shutting the door and relocking it. 

"Where were you?" Dream asks. The three of them had been at some sort of party to mark the end of TwitchCon where only creators could go, but George stayed when the other two left. He said he was leaving with Shadoune and the others, but never said where.

"We just walked through Paris," George says, kicking off his shoes. 

Dream frowns. "For three hours?"

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