30. spin the bottle

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Bad Boy x Nerd AU
George is a bad boy who is at parties every night, always drinking and getting into trouble. Dream is the complete opposite of him; very school-oriented and focused, always completing assignments and scoring A's on every test and exam. One day, Dream and his friends decide to be rebellios for once in their lives, and go to a party. Within a half hour, Dream finds himself at a game of Spin the Bottle, sitting directly across from the exact boy who makes him endlessly nervous. [lime] 

CW// underage drinking, alcohol, smoking, drugs


I shouldn't be here.

None of us should.

We're not partiers -- we're studiers. Introverts. Screw alcohol and smoking and drugs; we chase the thrill of getting another A, we chase knowledge, we chase good schools. 

Or, I thought we did. I guess only I do.

Because now all my friends are getting excited over cracking open their first beer.

"Ready?" Karl says, grinning, the chilled can of liquid stupidity in his hand, finger poised to crack the tab. 

"Do it!" Foolish cheers, pumping his fists. Karl looks back to the can in his hand, and pops it open. Our friends cheer. I simply scoff and roll my eyes.

"Oh, come on," I say. "This is dumb. You're going to regret that tomorrow if you have too much."

Sam gives me a sideways glance. "Then we won't have too much," he tells me. "Stop worrying about us, Dream. We'll be fine."

"I'm not worrying just about you, Sam," I shout, fighting to be heard over the pounding music. "I'm worrying about all of us! This isn't our scene!"

Karl lets out a loud belch and crunches the can in his hands. He throws it over his shoulder in an arch, and we hear a quiet tink as it lands. "Maybe it should be," he says, grinning. "This is fun."

Bad leans over to me, frowning. "I agree with you," he says. "This is absolutely not our 'scene'. I just sincerely hope none of us get so drunk we end up doing something we'll regret."

"I hope we don't even have to worry about that," I mutter, crossing my arms and following my friends deeper into the crowd.


This party is one of the lamer ones. 

The music kinda sucks, there's way too many people, even for me, and they don't have any vodka or whiskey or anything. Just wine and beer. Obviously whoever threw this has tightass parents who don't know anything about alcohol. I'll have to find them to give them a hint later. 

Quackity hands me the cigarette, and I take a long drag from it. The smoke doesn't affect me anymore, besides a bit of a dry throat. I pass it along to Sapnap, who immediately takes two puffs. 

None of us speak, just pass the rolled up paper along, watching the people slowly trickle into the backyard, either escaping for a smoke or running from the fumes. Or taking a piss or they're just super drunk. 

Skeppy breaks the silence, coughing. "Wrong way," he hacks. We all snicker as he hands Wilbur the paper. He eventually straightens, red-faced and slightly out of breath.

"Jesus, Skep," Quackity says, "you good?"

He sniffs and clears his throat. "Yeah."

I frown at the doors to the backyard, right into the party. "Oh god," I say suddenly.

"What?" Ponk asks, handing the cig to Skeppy without using it. As always.

I nod towards the doors. "Who invited the nerds?"

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