16. i think i love you ♥

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Valentine's AU 
[Dedicated to fellow loners on Valentine's Day. We can be single together <3]
Dream and George have been best friends -- and in love -- for years. But both are very closeted at school (even though it has glass walls to their best friend) and in their personal lives. They haven't even come out to each other. But it's senior year. Dream has always been a firm believer of living life to the fullest, so screw it. Now its February 14th, and he's going out with his best friend/crush of forever. [fluff] 



My lungs shake as I try to breath. But my heart's racing so fast, it feels like a race car. So it's distracting me from breathing. And I kind of need to breathe to talk to George, because he restricts my oxygen levels as it is. 

God, that's cheesy. 

Breathe in, breathe out. You've only wanted to do this since seventh grade. No pressure. 

Sapnap bumps into me from behind. "Dude," he says. "You've been standing there for, like, 5 minutes. You good?" 

My eyes stay locked on George. He follows my gaze and scoffs. "Finally going to ask him out, are we?"

I swing my head to look at him, my face twisted in surprise. He scoffs playfully again. "Yeah, your closet is clear glass, don't worry." He smacks me on the back. "Go for it. I'm rooting for you."

"How did you know?" I squeak. Great. My vocal chords decided to conk out. Perfect. 

"Like I said, glass closet. Now go."

He nods towards George, barely visible through the sea of students, who's closing his locker. I take one more deep breath before heading over. He's my best friend. This should be easy. 

"Hey George," I say, approaching him as he clicks his lock shut. 

"Hi Dream," he says, smiling widely up at me. "What's up?" My cheeks warm as I smile back down at him. 

I clear my throat. Hopefully the frog gets the hint and dips. 

"Um, can I talk to you?" I ask, glancing around at the people milling about nervously. 

He pulls a concerned expression over his face but nods. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah. Sorry."

He smiles up at me as I lead us away. His fingers brush mine. "Just making sure."



He walks seamlessly through the torrent of people. I don't have as much practice, which is obvious as I struggle to keep up. He keeps his head high; he's composed. It's hot.

He's hot. 

My stomach fills with nerves as I recall what we're doing. What does he want to talk to me about? Did he get a girlfriend? Are we falling out? I can't lose him. Is this about Sapnap? Or Patches? Maybe his parents sprung a surprise divorce on him.

He pushes open the door to the library, a draft finding it's way out as he does so. His mouth is grim, his face unmoving, as we walk through the chilly library and sit down. It smells of old books and the librarian's perfume -- it's lovely.

"Is anything the matter?" I ask. He looks up, his eyes nervous and his fingers fiddling.

"N-no. Well, kind of?" he admits quietly, running a hand loosley through his blond waves. "Not really."

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