Jewelry Store Robbery

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"Against the wall!" Zhin yelled. He had a semi pointed at a good eight people while his accomplices Jin and Tomiki were looting the rest of the store. "This is to easy." Jin said. "They didn't even set off an alarm." Tomiki said. Well as far as they were aware. "Drop the goods!" Somebody yelled. The three turned and saw a kid in a black suit and he was maybe fifteen. "Shut up, don't try to be a hero." Jin said pulling out a pistol. Myson had his fingers raised in flicking position. He turned an arm and fired off a smash at a shattered display causing it not to exist. "Last chance, drop the guns and slide them over and the jewels on the floor." Myson said. Jin and Tomiki were compliant and did as told Zhin still kept his gun raised. Myson touched the pistols that had been slid to him and they floated to the ceiling. "Drop the gun this building is surrounded." Myson said. Zhin turned the gun to Myson. "I wouldn't do that." Myson said. "You don't have any protection." Zhin said as he completely opened fire. "Wall!" Myson yelled. A wave of black flew from behind him and a wall appeared. "Come on Support course." Myson said pressing his shoulder against the wall. The clip ran out and as he was reloading Myson tackled him. He threw some cuffs in Zhin and then to the others. "Creater, Creati all clear." Myson said uniting the hostages. The police showed up along with multiple ambulances. Nobody was hurt and the three went back up to the roof after being interviewed. "That was exciting." Myson said while going back to his spot. "For you." Nemesis said. "Stop, you had the peremiter and were in less danger he could have been killed." Momo said. "Fair." Nemesis said. "And that is the most exciting thing I'll be doing today." Myson said. "Wait what?" Nemesis said. "He's right, it's like one robbery a day if your lucky." Momo said.

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