The Internship Gift

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"I wonder why Heramada didn't get any offers?" Touri said. The class had gone to the discussion room while Touri, Akane, Kouta, Nemona and Nemesis had stayed back in the classroom. "They were disgusted by the way he fought, breaking bones and stuff." Shoto said as he left. "I don't think that's fair." Nemesis said. "You have a point." Nemona said. "Just because his quirk breaks his body without the equipment he had doesn't mean he should get left out." Kouta said. "If they had seen him with his equipment he'd probably have the most drafts." Akane said. "I think we should find a way to get him an internship." Nemesis said. "And how do you suppose that, pay them." Akane said. "No, what agency's are we going to?" Nemesis said. "Parents." The group replied. "Same here." Nemesis said. "Surprised his mother didn't draft him I got one from his father." Touri said. "Same here." Was the response from the group. "His mom can't do anything because she's going through all this paperwork to get to a different agency so pro Hero Uravity can't even do Hero work." Kouta said. "That's true." Touri said. "Still we should find him an agency." Nemona said. "We could try our parents." Akane said. "That's a good idea, they would be interested in having him or at least my father would." Touri said. "My dad would be up for it." Kouta said. "Same here." Nemona said. "Well how about we try our parents." Akane said. "That's the plan then." Kouta said. "The retro hero Destroyer will get an internship." Nemesis said.

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