Panzoli's Pizza

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Myson had done a few laps and went back home. He was now fiddling with the piece of paper Kouta had given him. "What's that?" Ochako asked. "Ran into Kouta and he invited me to a pizza place with him and his friends." Myson said. "Go, meet some people, and seriously, do none of the girls in your class attract you, you have some good options." Ochako said. "Well I mean, there might be one." Myson said. "Spill it." Ochako said. "Why are you so nosey in my personal life?" Myson asked. "I want you to have what I had, friends, a steady relationship, not being afraid of doing things, your fifteen you should be out there doing stuff, people know your quirk now." Ochako said.

Kouta, Touri, Akane, Nemesis and Nemona were sitting at a table in the place. "Kirishima, your sure Heramada will be here?" Touri said. "I told you, he said maybe." Kouta said. "Aw." Nemesis said. "He's gonna get mad at this plan of yours." Nemona said. "He's a person of reason he won't." Akane said. "Exactly I never told him what he would be doing." Kouta said. Myson then walked in and sat next to Kouta. "Heramada, good to see you here." Touri said. "Panzoli's I have memories here, wonder if my D.D.R record is still first?" Myson said. "Your not to good to be true are you?" Nemona said. "I think that's what it was." Myson said. "We've been coming here for years and can't beat it." Akane said. "Really, I beat it every time I come here." Myson said. "I bet Nemesis could beat you in two player." Nemona said. Nemesis had been quiet the whole time twirling her hair like Kouta had said. "Lets eat first then we can hold contests." Touri said. The pizza came out five minutes later. They finished and Myson grabbed some tokens. "Are we actually putting money on this or, what's the prize?" Myson asked. "The prize is bragging rights." Touri said. "Ten dollars on Heramada." Nemona said. "You don't get to bet, you might put some spell on him." Akane said. "Twenty dollars on Heramada." Kouta said. They eventually had an even thirty dollars on each of them. Myson put in the tokens and let Nemesis pick the song for an advantage. "Hero too." Akane said. "That her best song." Kouta said. "Right." Myson said. He beat Nemesis by twenty thousand points. "To good to be true." Kouta said. "And that's how I put my name in." Myson said. "What do you mean Heramada?" Touri asked. "I was like nine and when putting my name in someone shouted that from the crowd that was watching." Myson said. "Nine is the first time you won." Akane said. "No I was five when I first one, up until when I was nine I was Heramada." Myson said. "Well it's late any other things people want to do?" Touri said. "You are such a teacher." Akane said. "But no." Kouta said. They all left and Myson and Nemesis ended up living in the same direction. It was an awkward silence on the way to their homes. "So um, you like reading?" Myson asked. 'Dear God work, that's the only small talk card I know.' Myson thought. "Ya, I like Nancy Drew." Nemesis said. "More of a Hardy Boys person myself when it comes to old mysteries." Myson said. They took a turn down an alley. "Hey have this." Myson said handing her a wad of money. "What's this?" Nemesis asked. "The money that was bet on you." Myson said. "Thanks." Nemesis said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "What was that for?" Myson asked. "What I bet on you." Nemesis said. "Nemesis loo." Myson got caught off by her kissing him on the lips. He returned the favor.

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