U.A Test

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'How does anybody know that, nobody here should know my last name or who I am.' Myson thought. He felt a hand on his shoulder and jumped back. "Wow, cool it man." A different voice said. It was the two boys who were next to him in the hall. One was tall with black hair and clearly was wearing contacts with some tubes coming from his calves. The other was about as tall as Myson with a mixture between red and black hair that was spiky. "Who are you?" Myson asked. "We are your parents friends kids, Touri Ida, this is Kouta Kirishima." Touri said. "Ya." Myson said. "Look we think  if us three teamed up with your quirks especially we could take down that giant robot." Kouta said. 'How do they know what my quirks are?' Myson asked himself. "Begin!" Kendo yelled over the speakers. The giant door the hoard of people were standing in front of opened and they sprinted in. Mayson tapped his arm and jumped over the hoard and onto a roof. He went running till he found a hoard of two and one pointers. He jumped down from the building and hit the robots with a smash. He then went running through the buildings till he was almost hit by a Lazer. "Misour?" The person asked. "Watch where you fire that thing, you could have killed me!" Myson yelled. He continued running through the fake city till he got to a road. There was robot parts flying everywhere. Everything stopped when there was a huge boom from down the street everyone was on. It was the one hundred pointer. 'Attention three minutes left!" Kendo yelled over the speakers. Everybody left the robots they were fighting and ran at the big one. Myson ran around tapping the remaining robots making them float. There was about three or four of each point level when he tapped himself. He jumped at the big robot. He flicked his fingers causing the robot's face to fold in on itself like a can and the robots he had floating to decent to the ground in a huge pile of rubble. The robot fell back causing the whole field to shake. "Test end!" Kendo yelled. Myson was falling to the ground. His arm was fine a little broken but usable and Myson was tapping himself making his fall slow. He landed on the ground and started walking out like everyone else with shouts of anger from everyone. "No fair!" and "Why does he get all the points!" Followed him out of the arena.

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