Myson v.s Momo

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"First test, Myson Midoriya against Momo Todoroki." Shoto said over a speaker. "Heramada was worried about fighting your mother according to Kouta." Touri said. "That's weird, not much to be scared about." Nemesis said. Momo fired a rocket at the building Myson was in. "She said she was going easy." Shoto said. "Heh, heh." Momo said. A rocket then fired at her. "What?!" Momo said dodging it. "How did he even?" Shoto asked. "Heh, you underestimate his power." Kouta laughed. "But a rocket?" Ejiro asked. Myson went running through a building while wiring his pack. "Air jets, wires nanites." He mumbled before running out and smashing it on the ground. Momo was blinded by a huge smoke cloud. She could see an outline moving around leaving big rectangles. "What the?" Momo asked heading over to one of them. It was a speaker. It then proceeded to blast some music. "Freaks, Jesus Christ how do you like this guy?" Shoto asked. "Shut up." Nemesis said. "What is his taste in music?" Deku asked. "I don't know."  Kouta said. "Where's the phone." Momo said following the other rectangles. The next thing she knew there was figured each lighting up at each of the speakers. She went to one of them and there was a manikin with lights on them. "How is he even?" Momo asked as it desolved. The song then changed giving her the expression he was on the move. "Where is this smoke even from?" Momo asked checking the floor. She found his pack and started fiddling with it. She then felt a pair of hands on her left wrist followed by the right. "What the?" Momo asked. "Momo Todoroki captured, Myson Midoriya passed." Shoto called out. The smoke cleared revealing three Myson's. The two that were holding Momo dissolved. "Thank god." Myson said. He took his pack and headed for the door. "Did he even use his quirk?" Shoto asked. "No he realized that's what she'd expect and switched over to his support items." Deku said. "What kind of strategy is that?" Shoto asked. "I don't know but he won." Deku said.

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