But the kiss wasn't to bad.


He changed back to his original form.

It made me sad that he really wasn't Percy, but Omega. I glanced at him. We was dripping wet.
"Oh." he dried me with a touch of his finger.
He gave me a big hug, making me wet again.
"Omega!" I screeched.
He laughed at me and made me dry again, making himself dry also. I retied my messy hair, not knowing how to say this. I sighed.
"I would like it if you didn't turn into Percy like that."
His look was pure curiosity.
"It makes me confused. About you and Percy."
He nodded slowly. "Oh. I'm sorry."
"Theres no need to be." I put on my sandals and walked towards my cabin. I stopped.
"Thanks though. For good memories."
I could feel him smiling behind me.
"Good night Annabeth."

It was Percy's voice.


I stretched and yawned, feeling refrshed.

I blinked a few times. "Piper?"

"Meet me at the Aphrodite cabin after breakfast."

she was out before I could reply, I groaned and crawled out of bed and washed. I walked to the pavillion like a zombie. Suddenly, arms wrapped around me from the back. I yelped and whipped around to see sea green eyes sparkling at me.
He laughed at my suprise and in one stride, he was next to me.
"You looked sleepy. So I decided to wake you up." he said playfully.
"I'm totally awake."
"Awake thanks to me."
I rolled my eyes. "Come on. I'm starving."
we walked to the pavillion together, and I felt... Comfortable. Even if I had a nagging suspicion he was dangerous, I felt comfortable. Yes. Comfortable. I watched him go to the Chaos table, and I filled a cup with orange juice. I started to kill my pancakes after drowning them. When I was halfway done eating, I noticed that the Chaos table was full. It was pretty chaotic. It looked like they were arguing. Omega was trying to stop them. Victor and Luke were fighting. Ethan and Silena. Michael and Bianca. Omega stood up and banged his spoon on the table hard, three times. Everyone became silent. Omega sighed and ran a hand through his hair while dropping the bent spoon. He criticized the soldiers. Everyone except Victor lowered their heads. Victor only scowled at Omega. Omega shot a glare at Victor and he did the same. Omega threw his hands up in the air and left the table. Everyone was silent. Some campers went back to eating. The Chaos soldiers exchanged looks and sat down. Victor followed Omega. I went to the Chaos table.
Luke looked up to me. "Oh. Hey."
"What happened?"
He paused. "There was an argument."
"About what?"
He sighed. "About bringing the army here." he confessed. "Our opinions differ."
I furrowed my eyebrows. "I see. What about Omega?"
"Commander? I'm not sure. It's all up to him."
I nodded. "I see." I ran off.
"Where you going?"
"To his cabin!" I yelled. I ran to his cabin, kicking up sand. I stopped arubtly when I saw Omega and Victor. Victor was angry. Omega was angrier. The water rose and churned at his words. Omega's last two angry words made Victor scowl and dissapear into rays of light. He sighed and rubbed his face.
I flinched. I stepped forward to him. "Yes?"
"Can you help me?"
Something inside me made me want to bolt. His eyes were unsettling. He seemed very out of control now.

I didn't feel so comfortable.

"I have to go." I blurted out.
He didn't say anything. I turned around to leave, but his hand caught me by he wrist.
"You don't like me."
The gears in my brain started to turn. My instincts told me to break his grip and run, but his grip was strong.

The truth.

"I don't." I said quietly. "I can't let myself like you. I just can't. You're a good friend, but-" his grip loosened. I turned around to see that he was gone.
"Omega?" I looked around. "Omega?"
I paused.

It's Me (Second book of Call me Omega)Where stories live. Discover now