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Jin's stomach churned just seeing them, it was an image that no picture in the world deserved to have. Not with JungKook having Taehyung on his lap, not when that wretched dwarf was behaving so endearingly repulsive to the Emperor, who didn't seem to care much about the matter. His seat had been relegated to a stranger at the table two seats away from JungKook. Life took an unexpected turn, a very painful turn.

"Mmgh," Taehyung almost purred obscenely as he shamelessly stirred against the other's cock.

None at the table liked such a prurient act, but neither Jin nor Hansol dared say anything, but Wonwoo was not a man who liked to be left with that which made him uncomfortable, let alone that which he repudiated.

"We're at the table, eating, so moderate yourself," he tactlessly ordered him.

"I haven't done anything," he feigned innocence pouting which made the prince frown.

"There is a child and maidens present, I will ask you, since you look like you've just stepped out of a brothel, to start behaving like the decent people in this castle,"

Boy, was he mad as hell. Hansol would be sure to reward his, now, husband for that apt remark that left the other speechless and red with fury.

"Is my acting any different from that of a kompos," he inquired with venom in his voice "We might as well ask Jin what it's like to be a whore,"

JungKook pursed his lips as his new lover reminded him that Jin was present, too hard for him to ignore his presence for that to go away so easily. The Emperor's gaze traveled to the boy who gave him an annoyed look, but he assumed that behind that wall of strength was the aching heart of the one he once gave his heart to.

Jin remembered that before JungKook would have defended him with all his might, he always did it no matter who he did it, but now he only counted on himself. The young man felt ashamed of it, reminding him that in the beginning, and even now, he only represented a piece of meat of the lowest quality ready to be used at the whim of its consumer. His appetite was suddenly cut off, but determined not to be daunted by the dwarf's venomous words he replied:

"My behavior was never like that because I am not a whore,"

"Actually, if my memory serves me correctly, it was your quite reprehensible behavior," JungKook blurted out with charged anger in his voice, his comment silenced everyone "Now I remind you that you are in no way better than a slut,"

Taehyung smiled broadly feeling the taste of sweet revenge, at last it was him the Emperor was fervently defending. On the other side of the table, Jin's eyes watered, a prickly lump settled in his throat and his chest shrunk painfully.

He would never have expected such a cruel response.

Wonwoo and Hansol looked at Jin with pity and a lot of curiosity, they wondered what made them drift apart like Greece and the Roman Empire.

Jin lowered his face, he would not allow himself to be seen crying. Then, gathering his pride, he stood up and answered him:

"Then a harlot does not deserve to be at the same table as you, your majesty," So impersonal, so cold, and without a touch of affection. Nothing, only resentment.

The Spartan retired to his chamber, it was a miracle that Taehyung had not sent him to sleep with the animals, but of course, he was sleeping in JungKook's room, on the same sheets that Jin once tasted, where many nights he shared carnal pleasures together with his lover. The memory of it could kill him, because it cruelly told him that he would never touch JungKook's face with his fingers again, and that he would never have his heart again.

At nightfall, in the Emperor's chamber, a moment of passion with the servant was unleashed. Taehyung enjoyed how experienced JungKook was, and how easily he made it to heaven. He was scandalous, not very modest and with a very foul vocabulary, but JungKook couldn't care less, not when in his head, like a bad game, he thought about Jin, remembering that if he managed to ignite him like that Chinese gunpowder, with Taehyung it was another story. The conscience of the tall one told him that surely the maiden in the next room was listening to them, and to his bad luck that did not please him as he wanted. He felt like a traitor, an unfaithful man without scruples or morals.

But... Aren't these the same characteristics he himself attributed to Jin?

When he finished with the boy, he sat on the edge of the bed, thoughtfully with his conscience reproaching him for being the same as the man who betrayed him. Taehyung was satisfied, of that there was no doubt, instead the Emperor could only imagine a different life.

"Are you still thinking about him," he asked approaching him from behind to embrace him.


"Then why did you say his name when you were fucking me,"

Did he? JungKook didn't even notice, however considering his conscience that wasn't so unthinkable. He was disgusted to show the other that his former love affected him so much that he didn't even realize the magnitude.

"Do you love him that much,"

"Not anymore," he replied sternly pushing away the naked body of his companion.

"Prove it to me," he told him with an unfriendly smile "You know what the easiest way to rip someone from your heart is? Do the same thing to him as he did to you and forget him forever,"

But JungKook couldn't. No, he didn't want to.

He couldn't kill him.

Or could he?

What if Taehyung was right?

"You'll never succeed in getting his memory out of you if you don't do something definite,"

Taehyung knew he was achieving his goal, he could see it in the Emperor's eyes, those laden with doubt and questioning. Actually, the boy was very good at persuasion and it was a gift he used with great frequency to get what he wanted.

JungKook made his way annoyed to the other's bedroom after telling Taehyung to leave immediately.The tall man didn't care about the nudity or the impression he might make on Jin, he only thought that for the first time he would get a taste of revenge.

Jin was standing in front of the balcony of the room, feeling the gentle night breeze accompanying him and trying to calm the pain in his heart. At last Taehyung had succeeded in seducing the Emperor as he wanted. Of course he didn't like to hear it however that didn't let him sleep either.

The door opened somewhat abruptly and gave way to JungKook, naked and very upset.

Jin was petrified and felt his soul go with Hades when he saw him approaching, he had his fists clenched as if he was holding back anger and that alarmed him.

"JungKook," he stammered before the emperor covered his mouth with his hand unkindly.

"I'm too sick of having you on my mind," was the excuse he gave but that only added to the Jin's doubts "And I can't take this anymore,"

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