Chapter 25: Harassment

Comincia dall'inizio

Chris just chuckled and beamed his cousin a peace sign, as I look away in the corner. I swear, I'm redder than a tomato right now!

"Anyway, George is calling us in." Thomas informed.

As we huddled up, George told us, "Other groups are coming to practice in school as well. So, I want us to change location. We'll practice at the side of the storage room so no one can see us and copy our moves!"

We all agreed to George's plans and he continued on, "Let's all gather the other members who are somewhere goofing off in the school. Chris, Jade, you guys wait for us there so we have dibs on the spot to practice in!"

"Yessir!!!" saluted Chris enthusiastically.

"Why'd you pick the two of us?!" I whined.

"Stop whining! You know you want to be alone with him..." he intimidated me.

"NO. I. DO. NOT!"

"Psh! Stop your complaining, I'm the leader!"

"Ugh!!! Fiiiineeee!" I grunted as I sloppily walk to our practice area. Chris followed me, and he was practically skipping. I'm doomed...

As we got there, I laid on the wall in grief. Chris saw my gloomy expression and thought it was a good idea to cheer me up by dancing in front of me. It wasn't any ordinary dancing though, it was sexy dancing! I wanna barf!

The next thing he did was suspicious, he peeked out to the hallway to see if anyone was coming. I knew that the coast was clear because he had a smirk plastered on his face. Smirks are never a good thing.

He then attacked me. Literally! He grabbed me into a hug that made me had goosebumps. He would try to aim for my lips as well, obviously to kiss me. I would constantly turn my head away, and he would keep forcing me to face him. I would then tend to turn to the other direction. I kept struggling and he kept forcing me. His hold on my waist became tighter, our bodies against each others'. He pause to look at me struggle and he chuckled in the process. Is he a sadist?!?! This was harassment to a whole new level!!!

As I found an opening and someone's shadow coming near, I panicked! I pushed him away with great force and quickly and silently whispered, loud enough so he could hear and low enough so the person approaching won't, "Someone's coming!" I also did it so he would stop.

It was Janette, she came near and teased Chris, "Hey Chris, what were you doing to Jade? She looks angry towards you."

"Nothing." I mumbled. I didn't want anyone knowing that this perv was harassing me, it would be a disgrace to my name. Besides, my classmates might tease me and say that I 'liked it', when I obviously am in hell.

Chris just laughed at Janette and he came near and hugged her. Janette would scold Chris and push him off of her. Chris just played with her that time to get her away and to make her forget about it.

As the both of them left, I tried to calm myself down. My scarlet color had already reached my ears. I held my chest, my heart was pounding like crazy, it hurt so much, I had a hard time to breathe properly.

Chris came back alone and tried to dance in front of me again. I told him to stop and he was obedient. He then sat on my feet. Because I was wearing slippers, I told him to get off because his jeans and his hard butt were murdering my feet. I then decided to sit in the corner, this time in the light which I could be seen in the hallway, and read my newly bought manga.

At first, Chris came and sat beside me to join in reading, but I guess he got bored, because he then laid his chest on my back and hugged me from behind. He attempts to kiss my cheek again, but I turn away and he kisses my neck instead. I bit my lip when he did it. It felt so uncomfortable that butterflies were swarming my stomach, and believe me, I hated that feeling.

He didn't stop hugging me and cuddled me like a big teddy bear, I couldn't concentrate on reading. Janette then appeared out of nowhere and she nagged, "Hey! What's that? A date?!"

"We're just reading." me and Chris said in unison.

She arches a brow at us, clearly stating that she doesn't believe us. Then the others arrived and Chris distanced himself from me. George then commenced practice.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Two and a half hours later, practice finally ended for the day. And suddenly, Chris pulled me in by the arm and danced the 'Cha-Cha' with me. Why is he so dancey today?!

On the part where the girl would bend on the guy's arm, I stood perfectly straight, not wanting to bend on his arm. Chris narrowed his eyes at me, displeased because I didn't do so, so he pushed me down to bend on his arm. But he accidentally touched one of my boobs! So I fell on the floor.

 H-He t-t-touched m-m-my b-breast!!!!! How dare he!!! Did he even feel it?! It's weird, because his expression is blank, I can't tell if he felt it or not. But still!!! I'll never forgive him for touching my breast!!!

I stood up and brushed myself off, but Chris grabbed me in again for another Cha-Cha. Soooo annoying... When he pushed me again this time, we both fell on the floor. He then laughed as we lay side by side on the floor. It was funny, but I put on an annoyed expression.

We then walked back to the classroom to collect our stuff. As I opened the door, one of the chairs was somehow blocking the way. I lifted it and moved it away, but before I could even put the chair down, Chris pushed me hard which caused me to stumble and crash on to the floor. One of our male group mates saw what he did to me and blankly stared at him as he cursed Chris, "Crazy B*st*rd!" Chris just stared at him blankly in response.

When I collected my things, we all then headed out to the school gate and went our separate ways.

Why is Chris such a stupidly-crazy perverted guy?!?!

The Perv and The NerdDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora