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" What are we doing here?"

" You said you didn't want to be stuck in the house all day." He stated while looking straight at the building.

We walked inside and he bought tokens for the games.

I stopped at an basket ball game and started adding the tokens into the machine.

I looked over at him and he just stood there looking into his phone.

" Enjoying the view?" he asked with an sarcastic tone.

I rolled my eyes at him. " Come on be a good boy and play with me." I said while looking at him.

I send a glare my way as he walked towards me.

I backed up and he continued to take steps towards me.

My back hit the wall and he caged me in trapping my body with his one hand against the wall and the other on my waist.

I looked at him but his eyes already found their way onto my body.

I looked around to see if anybody was watching luckily nobody was located near us.

I looked back at his memorizing eyes and hair that fell just below them.

" Don't call me a boy when I'm the one who's twice your hight." he said with a small smirk making a way on his face.

I felt a little offended.

" That's no fair. Atleast I don't tower over people." I said back.

I pushed him away lightly.

" I need to play my game before the tokens go to waste. " I stated.

He pulled me back by my arm and I bumped into his rock hard chest.

" Ouch." I said while being a little dramatic.

" We have plenty more tokens to play with."

" But you are waisting the tokens."

" I could buy you this entire Arcade if I wanted to, so let's forget about those tokens."

" I'll tell you what. Let's have a challenge of the who can score the most tickets in a game of basket ball. "

" What does the winner get as a prize?" I asked.

" Anything they want for two hours. Loser has to take the winner out for dinner."

" Deal"

We added in our tokens and started throwing the ball in the hoops.

He was pretty good.

" You gonna have to stay focused if you want to win the deal, Amore." ( love)

I started aiming and shooting in again.

I pushed him away so he could get a little behind and started throwing back in my hoops.

" Cheater." he scoffed.

I let out a light chuckle. The game soon came to an end and we started counting out the amount of tickets each one made.

" I win, Amore." he said with a smirk on his face as he looked at me.

" It was a good game but I'll get you next time." I said.

" Oh, really. I'd look forward to it."

He pulled me in by my waist and looked me in my eyes. I watched as his hair slightly blew and his silver chain that he always seemed to wear around his tattooed neck. My eyes met his and he leaned in slightly.

He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek in his hand. I leaned in closer and he smashed his lips on mine.

He bit slightly on my lip asking for entrance and I gladly gave him.

Our toungs collided with each other and I could feel the heat that spread onto my face.

My hand made it's way into his hair tugging on it which caused a small groan to escape his lips.

The kiss got deeper and deeper until I pulled away to catch my breath.

I was sure my lips were swollen.

I looked at him and a small smile made it's way onto my lips.

" Let's go to the next game so I can beat you again." he said.

We walked next to each other looking for another game.

Our hands slightly brushing against each other. Our index fingers connecting and soon we walked hand in hand.

He look at me and I looked back up towards him.


We soon finished playing all the games and he won me a big pink teddy bear which is so cute.

We are currently sitting in a restaurant waiting on our food.

" When is the date of the ball?" I asked being all curious.

" it's three weeks away on the 14 July." he said. My eyes went wide.

"That's so soon. I have not even bought anything." I stated.

"Don't worry, Amore. It will be taken care of."

I sighed in relief thanking him and soon our order came and we started digging in.


On our way back home Ace stopped for some ice-cream.

He is a little bit clingy but I like it.

we were in the car eating our ice-cream because the store was too full.

I felt something cold make it's way up my cheek and I took ed over at Ace who had a smrik on his face. I dipped my finger in my ice-cream and rubbed in on his cheek all the way to his lips.

He looked shook and I let out a chuckle.

He took his hand and wrapped it around my jaw and pulled me in close and rubbed his cheek against mine causing the melted ice-cream to go on my cheek.

We whipped the ice-cream off of our cheeks and he drove off towards the house.

"You family is coming over in two weeks time for the ball so they will be staying in the house for a while.

The thought of seeing my father again send shivering down my spine.

" Will Alley be coming too?" I asked.

" If you want then yes."

A smile made it's way onto my face at the thought of seeing Alley again after a long time.

"Thank you Ace for today I really enjoyed myself."

" Which part me beating you at almost every game or the kiss." I could feel myself blushing.

" Both."

I could see his small smile and the dimple that showed. It made him look way more attractive.

He added his hand on my thigh as he drove us home.

" As for the games you're really competitive."

He let out a chuckle and I layed back staring out the window.

I felt sleepy and the dark welcomed me as I soon fell asleep.


I could feel someone carrying me I opened my eyes slightly to see Ace and he tucked me in bed.

"Good night, Mio Amore." was the last thing I heard before I continued to fall asleep. (my love)
Author Note:

Get everyone I apologize for not being active as much I've been busy but I will be writing when I can. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

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