"wait a sec, how big?" steve asked.

"first it was like that," he measured it with his fingers.

"now he's like that." he measured it with his hands again.

"i swear to god, man, it's just some little lizard, okay?"

"it's not a lizard. cameron, back me up here,"

"nope, you're on your own."

"how do you know?"

"how do i know if it's not a lizard?"

"how do you know it's not just a lizard?!"

"because his face opened up and he ate my cat," cameron stopped humming.

"he ate mews!? dusty, how are you gonna explain that to your mom! she loves that thing,"

"i know, i know!"

steve pulled into their driveway, he opened the back and threw his keys to dustin who caught it.

cameron almost gasped when she saw her baseball bat covered in nails. "steve, isn't that mine?"

"oh yeah,"

"why me, man?" steve gave the bat a little spin then closed the door.

they walked to dustin's basement. "this is safe, right?"

no one answered her. "this is safe then,"

steve pointed the flashlight to the door. "i don't hear shit,"

"he's in there,"

steve hit the handle of the closed doors then banged the door after a few moments. "dusty, i don't hear anything either,"

steve pointed the flashlight directly on dustin's face. "alright, listen kid, if this is some sort of halloween prank, you're dead."

"it's not,"


"it's not a prank,"

"steve, just open the damn doors or i will,"

"you got a key for this thing?"

"yes, just get it out of my face,"

dustin came back with the keys and the steve used them to opened the lock. he opened one door, inside being pitch black.

cameron opened the other door and grabbed her flashlight from her back pocket and switched it on.

"i don't see anything,"

"he must be further down there,"

"all i see is concrete,"

"you know, i'll stay up here in case he tries to escape,"

"thanks, dusty." she went to take the first step in with the flashlight in hand.

when she was fully in. "cam, everything cool in there?"

there was no response, steve slowly went down and when he fully down. he got flashed with cameron's flashlight.

"dammit, dickhead!"

she laughed. "you should've seen your face,"

he flicked on a small light in the middle of the room. there was some type of skin on the floor. he picked it up with the bat.

"that's disgusting," she gagged.

he turned to see a hole, cameron glancee at him. "what?"

he pointed at the hold with the bat, cameron walked towards it. "cool,"

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