Valentines Day!

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Sarah's POV

This year I was stuck babysitting Janelle for Valentines Day.It's actually going to be fun because I get to babysit by beautiful niece and plus of all weeks, my husband, John B had to go to the Bahamas to help Pope and Cleo with their upcoming wedding and plus it would be kinda depressing at home if none were here. Anyways Jiara came in with Janelle in her car seat asleep. JJ set her in her car seat on the table as Kie gave me her diaper bag.

Kiara-ok so here is everything just in case she has a accident and needs a change of clothes and diapers

Kie handed the bag over to Sarah.

Sarah-wow it's heavy!
JJ-yea you'll get used to it once u have to carry that everyday with a baby
Kiara-yea and it's only for the first year or two then they get potty trained which I'm excited for because I hate these diaper changes but it's a cute phase as well! U seem sad, everything ok?
JJ-did someone for get?!
Sarah-well he forgot I should say but it's ok we still have a few more hours left till the day ends
Kiara-awwww's going to be ok and I'm sure he will say it soon!

Kie said as she hugged Sarah. JJ hugged Sarah as well.

Sarah-I'm sure he's busy with the wedding stuff because he hasn't texted me a lot...has he texted u guys alot?
JJ-no he actually hasn't and Pope and Cleo haven't either
Kiara-but whenever I track them I see that they're at wedding places trying things
Sarah-yea I do the same as well
JJ-y'all should be related

They all laughed because Sarah and Kie do almost the same exact things.

Kiara-so this is how u two celebrated ur first Valentines Day together aka not together
Sarah-well I did spend it with the other love of my life!

Sarah said as she tickled Janelle which made her giggle.

JJ-I'll tell ur husband that u love ur niece more!
Sarah-shush bro because I do!
Kiara-I mean yea...Ur husband of ur baby niece?!
Sarah-baby niece ofc now u two answer the question Kie, and JJ
JJ-I love both of my girls sm and it's hard to choose so I say both!
Kiara-yea very hard to choose because one makes me the happiest and the other came from the person who makes me the happiest and also is his twin as well!

They all laughed at Janelle being JJ's twin.

Sarah-I actually do kinda see the both of u in her which is the cutest!! Anyways u two go and have a nice night!!
Kiara-thank u for babysitting!
JJ-thank u sis!
Sarah-ofc anytime and now Janelle is my Valentines date for this year! (Smiles)

They say their goodbyes and Jiara head to the car and Sarah carried Janelle to the front porch and wave her little hand goodbye to her parents which was super duper cute!

With Jiara at the restaurant.

JJ-do u like the place I chose?!
Kiara-omg babe this is sooooo cute I love it!

They kiss on the lips.

JJ-don't u remember this place? It's a special place! (Smiles)
Kiara-wait this looks's the one where we secretly went to and that's when we actually confirmed being a thing to ourselves!
JJ-but we still don't tell them
Kiara-I'm for sure keeping that promise! (Smiles)

The waiter comes and it's the same one they had when they confirmed.

Waiter-it's u two again! Sooo nice to see u two! I remember when u guys became a's that going?!
Kiara-it's going good cause u can tell that we are hanging together on Valentine's Day
JJ-and now she's my wife and we have a baby girl as well
Waiter-I'm soooo happy for u two!
Jiara-thank u!

They order their drinks and food and enjoy their date night. They head back to Jarah's house. They walk in and see Sarah crying on the floor.

JJ-sis what happened?!
Kiara-r u ok?!?!

They both went up to Sarah as she was still crying.

Sarah-Ik a bad babysitter and will be the worst mom in the future...
JJ-no ur not...ur the best we've got
Kiara-yea no babysitter Mike u Sarah
Sarah-but...but...but one of u go check on her plz
JJ-I'll go

JJ goes to where Janelle is.

Kiara-don't say that...I would always say that about myself whenever I learned that I was going to be a un prepared mom but u know what, JJ and I are doing it together and happily which is called teamwork
Sarah-but she cried a lot
Kiara-that's what babies do...JJ and I have to wake up once or twice a night or whenever she cries to give her milk or food and it's totally ok
Sarah-thank u and when we I become a mom...I'd take lessons from u! (Smiles)

JJ comes back with Janelle sleeping.

Sarah-u two are the best...thanks for being in my crazy life!
JJ-u mean our crazy lives together
Kiara-true that!
Sarah-thanks for making me happy even when I'm super upset about how I missed my first Valentines Day with my hubby like this is very important but he had to go and help out for the wedding which is totally fine and I'm glad to have u two in my life!
JJ-I'm glad I got a sis like u! (Smiles)
Kiara-and the sweetest and bff like u! (Smiles)
Sarah-thanks guys!

They do a little group hug and Jiara head back home as they end off this Valentines Day.

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