JJ's Birthday!

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Kiara's POV
I woke up got Janelle out of her crib, made some breakfast with her and I took her to mine and JJ's bed first then went back to get the breakfast so that we can start off JJ's 22nd bday with a breakfast in bed. I brought the breakfast over to our bedroom and saw JJ making our daughter giggle/laugh. I bring the food to them smiling.

Kiara-surprise! Happy Birthday babe!

Kiara sets the tray down and kisses JJ's lips. He kisses back and Janelle giggles as she always does.

JJ-thank u babe! Thank u for being who u r because u make me the happiest as well as our little princess (smiles)
Kiara-u make me the happiest babe and deserve to enjoy ur day!

Kiara kisses JJ all over his face and Janelle giggles.

JJ-this is how I'd like to spend my day!
Kiara-ok but their is a surprise
JJ-cmon I already know what it is
Kiara-then what is it?
JJ-we see gonna celebrate with the pouges and have a pouges party
Kiara-u guessed right babe! (Smiles)anyways let's have the best day!
JJ-well it's already the best day when I get to see my two girls faces! (Smiles)

JJ kisses Janelle's forehead a few times then kisses Kie's lips.

Kiara-damn babe ur so hot!
JJ-but not hotter than the two girls I have in my life! (Smiles)
Kiara-awwww babe! That's soooo cute!! Anyways let's enjoy the breakfast in bed!

They have their breakfast in bed and watch some tv while having it.

Kiara-we have to leave the house soon for u know what
JJ-ok we'll just go walk on the beach which is my other fav thing to do with my girls!
Kiara-awwww and u can go surfing babe cause it's ur day and I'd love to see u surf at a new age!
JJ-ok let's do it and thx babe!

JJ kisses Kiara's cheek and they get ready to go to the beach. They take the truck since the surfboard is already on it. They head to the beach and JJ takes Janelle into the ocean carrying her tightly.

Kiara-I sooo have to take a pic of this!! Look at me!

Kiara yells out to JJ for them to look at her for the pic.

Kiara-got it!

Theu enjoy their time at the beach, meanwhile back at their house the others are setting up for their little pouge party that they are having.

Cleo-girl u ok?
Sarah-yea it's just taking me rime to get over it and I'll get over it for sure!
Cleo-look just be happy and enjoy ur life, the right time will come
Sarah-yes Ik that for sure and plus we weren't too ready yet for a kid
Cleo-the time will come Sarah, now let's forget aboiyt it for today because it's ur bros bday today and he won't like seeing his younger sister upset
Sarah-yea he won't like that at all...anyways the cake is almost done and the guys will pick it up
Cleo-great! These decorations look nice! We did a good job!
Sarah-yup we did!

They clap hands and smile at each other. The guys are at the bakery.

John B-hey we are here to pick up a cake
Pope-Sarah Cameron Routledge
Baker-great, the cake is finished! Just check to see if it is correct!
Pope and John B-ok

They both check and everything seems to be correct. They checked spelling which was correct.

John B-seems like it's correct, thank u!
Pope-yes thank u sm for making this cake!
Baker-np! Enjoy!

The guys leave the bakery with the cake and they head back to Jiara's place.

Pope-we're back!
John B-with the cake!
Sarah-great now all we have to do is wait for them!
Cleo-and I got 22nd candles so that he can blow them out!
Sarah-great everything is set we just have to wait!

30min later Jiara come back and all the pouges yell out.

The pouges: SURPRISE!!!

Confetti comes out and they celebrate.

JJ-wow thx guys! Y'all are the best!

They each wish him a happy bday and hug him and at the end they do a group hug.

John B-why do u guys smell like sand?
Kiara-we went to the beach
JJ-and I spent time with my girls! (Smiles)
Cleo-that's sooo cute!!!
Pope-it's super cute!!
Sarah-awwww at least u enjoyed ur day!
JJ-I did especially with my two girls and the pouges!

They eat their dinner and chat a bit more and now it is time to open the gifts.

Kiara-u should open mine last cause Ik u will love it!
Cleo and Pope-here r our gifts!

JJ grabs the gift and open it and it is one of his fav colones that he rlly liked.

JJ-wow thx u guys sm!

JJ hugs both Pope and Cleo.

John B-ok now it's our turn and it may be pretty emotional!
Sarah-I think u will be very happy when seeing this!
JJ-ummm ok!

John B and Sarah give their gift to JJ and he opens it up.

JJ-wow u two kept this from the second grade?
John B-yea we did because it always holds a special place in my heart! (Smiles)
Sarah-and it was best that we gave this to u especially on ur very special day!
JJ-thank u guys sm!

JJ hugs them both.

Kiara-ok it's mine and Janelle's turn now! Here is ur gift babe! (Smiles)

Kiara hands JJ his gift from his two fav girls and he opens it.

JJ-omg this shirt is amazing babe! Thank u sm babe and my princess as well! (Smiles)

JJ kisses both of his fav girls.

Cleo-what did the shirt have on it?
Pope-I wanna see it!
Sarah-me too!
John B-me three!

JJ shows the shirt to them.

JJ-I've been wanting a photo of my wife and princess on a shirt for a while now and I finally got it and I got my happiness thx to them! (Smiles)
Sarah and Cleo-awwwwwwww
Kiara-my happiness comes all from JJ and I did choose the right man! (Smiles)

10min later Sarah and Cleo bring the cake out with the 22nd candles on it and they sing the happy birthday song, Janelle is on JJ's lap infront of the cake, Kie is next to them, the guys are taking the pics and vids and the girls are the ones setting the cake down.

Sarah-now make ur wish JJ!

JJ blows out his candle and right after Janelle says her first word which is...

Kiara-omg!!! Omg omg omg!!! She just said her first word and it was "dada" ahhhhhhh babe she said "dada" on ur birthday ahhh!!
JJ-omg omg I can't believe this is happening rn on my bday! Like did u little missy plan this out?!

JJ tickles Janelle and Janelle giggles.

Cleo-was that ur bday wish?
John B-he can't say his wish
Pope-then that ruins the wish
Kiara-did any one of u get that on video?!?!?! Ahhhh
John B-I got it on video!!
Sarah-omg send it to all of us like rn!!!!
JJ-wow I can't believe her first word was "dada" and it happened on her dada's bday! (Smiles)
Kiara-this must mean that the world knows that I chose the right man to have kids with! (Smiles) I'm super happy this happened!!!
JJ-this is the BEST BDAY EVER!!! And this gift tops it all!
Cleo-it definitely does because a babies first word makes mommy and daddy super duper happy!
Sarah-I'm so happy that her first word was on ur bday JJ!
John B-and this bday will be a unforgettable one!
Pope-especially when u can remember this moment and show it to her in the future!
Kiara-obviously she will see this moment and it's a pretty special moment!
JJ-now this makes her a bit more of a daddy's girl!
Kiara-I love the both of u sm! I'm glad and happy she got to say her first ever word on my favs bday! (Smiles)

Kiara kisses her princess on the forehead and her husband on the lips.

They enjoy the cake with much excitement in them as Janelle said her very first word, "dada", on her father's 22nd birthday.

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